[VFM] SFoL -1: Hall of the Incendiary - Night 6 - Cult wins!

What doesn’t add up? Their original reaction was to scumread me, they just kinda left it and starting sheeping me and defending my slot without saying anything

You are (at least) the third person to miss me saying this was a meme

Of course I had other SRs, but GGhana was my strongest. I re-evaled, yeah, and I still found him scummy. Re-eval doesn’t mean I magically switch my read.

there is no progression for the reads

because u originally scumread them for pushing hard on you for misreading and after u accused them of sheeping and protecting u

you had demo as high SR too right

if u see high possibility of ghana being just newb town why isnt demo taking priority here

It’s almost like
Everything has to start somewhere

Light SR, and if you’d have actually been paying attention instead of mindlessly pushing, you’d have seen me said they’re nullscum and not a high priority at the moment.

And I said I see “the possibility”, not “the high possibility”, jfc

So… my read evolved? Oh my God how scummy light lockscum holy shit holy fuck Benjamin_Shapiro has done it all good evening and good night ladies and gentlemen holy fuck

Hewo fwiends

there is no reasoning and no progression

if it had no reasoning but had progression it would be fine

no progression but reasoning also

but no reasoning and no progression not fine

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so second highest SR was nullscum? I dont remember u changing your read on them anywhere other than VC analysis which did not have anything substantial

the reasons are contradictory he reacted originally in 1 way which was scummy in your opinion then when he reacted in opposite way its also scummy

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Exactly, scum is more likely to not be on any wagon if they are both town, or if the town one is enough ahead of any scum wagon. This is why people like Sulit or AT who got off any wagon shouldn’t be removed from suspicion.

This goes to show that the strategy may actually work because you cleared Sulit for not being on a wagon. But you aren’t taking into account that she specifically scum read Misty D1 and D2 and was one of the 1st on their wagon earlier. She took herself off it at the end when it was actually going to happen. My theory is that she knew Misty would flip town and didn’t want to be on the wagon.

Additionally, Demo and probably Shrek shouldn’t be cleared since they were parked on potential wagons and then didn’t show up, which could later be an excuse for not changing their vote. For instance, if Derps had his way, I would have been the wagon, and Shrek would have been conveniently parked on me and wasn’t there to change their vote. Same with Demo on GGhana, another potential wagon.

Also I don’t expect to be alive tomorrow

Whysper do you think it might be Sulit?

I was kinda thinking that today too tbf

I cant remember why though

It’s not

There’s two options:

it’s either Sulit, or not Sulit.

I say we take the 50/50 and hang Sulit.