[VFM] SFoL -1: Hall of the Incendiary - Night 6 - Cult wins!

Anyone on demo feel free to answer

I am in fact not a wolf, so I canā€™t really answer that

you do realize the ā€œuwu i know its mountainous but i dont need to point out why hes obvs townā€ shit is scummy right?

Do you think wolves are bussing demo

Not a hard question

I donā€™t have enough time to say it so youā€™ll just have to use your head, think for ypourzself, and trust me. Or town will lose.

all demo has done is tunnel me. Maybe thatā€™s why you think heā€™s townie just because he keeps doing the same clownery that youre doing right now

Wolves are obviouisly bussing Demo.

so who are the two wolves then?

So demo is a wolf?

At are wolves bussing demo or is the wagon clean

why arent you voting on demo then

Yes, because he can see that youā€™re a wolf. Thatā€™s why the wolves want him gone and theyā€™ll likely kill me tonight. Iā€™ll be surprised if they donā€™t.

doesnt answer the question

You donā€™t know what bussing means go away

Because itā€™s obvious that Demo is the designated mislynch for today.

you donā€™t understand.

I can think! I can think of reasons you might find him scummy!

What I Canā€™t do, is know which one you are thinking. I canā€™t. Sorry. I am incapable of mind reading. Iā€™ll talk to my doctor about it if I ever see her again.

I also canā€™t give you a multiple choice question to pick from, because then Iā€™m putting words in your mouth that you can use if you in fact donā€™t actually have reasoning.


Yes I do.

You have to be a wolf to be bussed

bruh if you think hes being bussed vote on him

I understand all too well. Itā€™s you that doesnā€™t.