[VFM] SFoL -1: Hall of the Incendiary - Night 6 - Cult wins!

Oop too late


busy right now, flip will come later

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Vo_Ote Count

Vote Target Voted by Votes
Benjamin_Shapiro Shrek_Gurl_12 1/7
Illwei Scaled_Slinky, Light, SirDerpsAlot, Leafia, ATNoName, demoknighttf2, Illwei 7/7
Not Voting Whysper, sulit, PokemonKidRyan, Benjamin_Shapiro, 4

ping Arete in card if there are any errors

Flavor coming later, ™

Illwei has been executed. He was…

The Drunk

You have no abilities except your voice and your vote.
Put them to good use!
You win when all of the Cult are dead.

Night 4 has begun and will end at 2020-10-22T14:00:00Z. (This means night will be about 6 hours longer, to keep up with SoD/EoD times.


End of Day 4 flavor

“Praise the gods!” said Scaled Slinky, as the residents of Adiart gathered once more the next day. “They have delivered a Cultist to us, and in doing so they’ve cleared the path for us.”

“What do you mean?” asked another resident. “I’m just as confused as I was yesterday…”

“In order to find GGhana’s allies, we must simply strike down those who sought to protect him,” said Scaled Slinky. Unsheathing a sword, they pointed it directly at Illwei’s heart. “You were protecting him, were you not?”

“Of course not!” said Illwei. “Yes, I thought he was an ordinary resident of Adiart, but that doesn’t make me a Cultist!”

Illwei paused for a moment, tilting their head slightly and furrowing one eyebrow. At last, they spun on their heels, clambering onto a nearby horse.

“Ever since my brother’s life was taken five years ago – ever since my nephew’s life was taken a few days ago – no one in this castle has given me the respect I deserve,” they said. “I may not be as glamorous or honorable as the King, but that doesn’t mean I’m not royalty. If a bunch of peasants are going to accuse me of treason, I might as well leave this kingdom entirely.”

Illwei began to gallop away on their horse. Yet they were paying so much attention to the crowd they were leaving behind, and so little attention to the path in front of them, that they completely failed to notice that they were riding their horse straight for a cliff. At the last second, they noticed the cliff ahead of them, and pulled on their horses reins, trying to turn the horse away from the cliff. The horse managed to turn away from the cliff, but the abrupt movement flung Illwei from their saddle, and they fell down, onto the rocks below.

As the members of the castle gathered together on the edge of the cliff, trying to ascertain Illwei’s fate, one of them spoke up. “Well, it’s a shame that another innocent resident died, but at least the horse was okay!”

This topic was automatically opened after 15 hours.

“I’m noticing a discrepancy in these records,” said Inquisitor Marshal to Inquisitor Arete. “In some places, the name of the supposed god of the cultists is rendered as ‘Ignis,’ with an I, while in others it’s rendered as ‘Ignus,’ with a U. Why is that?”

“Why would that be unusual?” said Inquisitor Arete. “It’s not like there’s some sort of rule that says that words always have to be spelled the same way.”

“That would actually be a good idea, though,” said Marshal.

“Maybe,” said Inquisitor Arete. “But in any case, the spelling of the names of their false gods isn’t important. What’s important is that we help them eradicate the Cultists from this castle. The only issue is that they won’t listen to us…”

“You said you were certain of who the last cultists were, did you not?” said Inquisitor Marshal. “Why don’t you simply tell them?”

“I guess I can try that,” said Inquisitor Arete. They pulled aside a servant walking past them. “I can tell you who the last two Cultists are – wait here, I’m going to gather more people.”

The Inquisitors ran through the castle, gathering people together, until at last they had ten of them. They told the ten people their suspicions about the identities of the last two Cultists. “Now we need your help,” said Inquisitor Arete. “We need you to help warn the others.”

“This is wonderful!” said one of them. “Thank you so much! Now we can make fun of everyone else in the castle for not seeing how obvious it was.”

“Wait, no, that’s not the point–” said Inquisitor Marshal.

“Hey, I bet you they won’t figure it out!” said another. “If they do, I’ll eat moldy bread for dinner!”

The Inquisitors watched in dismay as the ten members of the castle they had warned ran off to a balcony near the throne room, laughing. As they ran off, one of them turned back for a moment. “Hey, the Cult – it’s not going to hurt any of us, is it?”

Inquisitor Arete frowned. “The Cult has no real power, beyond that of mere swords, for their god is a fiction at best,” they said. “Don’t worry. No one will die tonight.”

No one has died in the night! Day 5 begins and will end in 36 hours, at 2020-10-24T02:00:00Z. With 11 players alive, majority is 6.

you cant hammer yourself as town on SoD thats illegal

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ill was lynched for like

no reason

Ill hammering himself as town is something I don’t want to talk about.

we have 4 people doused at most. which means there are 5 towns who haven’t been doused. We are only allowed 2 misyeets and maybe more before the cult doused and kill all of us.

I forgot parity exist so only 1 misyeet

I’m fine with Derps being put back into my PoE after the atrocity that was D4. Hammering Illwei was a terrible idea. He turned out to be the ultimate in LHF.

Also, no more hammering. We’re going to discuss the yeet before it happens.

You can’t stop the hammer when the hammerer was the wagon target.

You can if you don’t pile on the votes in the first place. Sorry Illwei. At least we know why he defended Ghana so hard. Because he was too drunk to see how wolfy Ghana was.

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