[VFM] SFoL -1: Hall of the Incendiary - Night 6 - Cult wins!

geyde is yelling somewhere

still not back btw

Youā€™re not back? That explains why Iā€¦ mist you.

I shall now proceed to self-vote for this shitty pun.

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More Messages:

  • I kinda want to see Leafia now that the thread has evolved past Benā€™s posts
  • A bit confused on PKRā€™s ISO relating to Shrekā€™s ā€œfake townslipā€
  • Could Light post their top 2 SRs
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Also the thread going dead a couple makes me think there is an high-posing/active wolf in the thread

Just checking are you confused by meā€¦ or by Shrek


Iā€™d have to say Ghana and demon. Although I misread their post which originally made me scumlean them, they responded poorly to me realizing my mistake, and a lot of their interactions with/regarding my slot seem off.

(For demon)

Well, on my part, I was just honestly not reading the OP properly, I thought that we were given 2 example cards. Then when I reacted to Shrek, I was just confused as for why they said it was sus but then never tried to apply any pressure.

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Also, before I forget, @Arete that flavor was :blue_heart:

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SirDerpsAlot: Iā€™ve already stated my reasonings for townleaning Derps here, another look at his ISO doesnā€™t change this.

Mistyx: I have already gone over this as well, yet Iā€™d like to add something additional. We seem to have had a lot of the same thought processes SOD, memes or not. Iā€™ll consider a pocketing attempt in the back of my mind, but thatā€™s a tinfoil Iā€™d rather not get into this early.

GGhana: This is the slot I have the most reservations on, and the most difficult I find to start sorting. They seem to go all-in right at the start, and are by far more aggressive than any other new player Iā€™ve seen in their first game. Ghana wants others to be proactive in solving and isnā€™t being hypocritical by slanking themselves, which I appreciate. However, they latched onto Light at the first opportunity they got and slammed him for not reading the OP, which isnā€™t AI by itself. This could be signs of an opportunistic newbwolf. As for now, Iā€™m just going to watch them carefully and see if anything else pops out.

Clonedcheese: The very definition of null, I donā€™t know how I could be expected to read a two-poster.

Light: Learn to read OPs, please. I would have thought youā€™d be less inclined to do this considering that you seem to have a track record of it, but I digress. I like that you immediately entered the thread posting reads, as has been said before. I promised Iā€™d give thoughts on Light vs Ghana, and here they are. Light gets quite frustrated when pressured on mechanical issues like the SOD/EOD time and his (lack of) reading the classcards/OP. I wonā€™t place too much weight into this but I do not think this is how scum would approach the arguments. Though, I know sulit locktowned this slot, care to elaborate?

Leafia: Very bare ISO, yet Iā€™ve seen people saying Leafia is town already? Iā€™d like someone to walk me through this as I simply donā€™t get it, and I canā€™t draw any conclusions from what Iā€™ve seen.

an_gorta_pratai: Iā€™m confused on how gorta is a wagon being this inactive. I understand the arguments made for voting him, Iā€™m just reserving my opinion until he comes back and provides more content. Iā€™m against lynching, or even voting, somebody without giving them a chance to respond themselves, and that stands true here as well.

ScaledSlinky: Berates players for not being active, proceeds to not be active himself. Lock-scum hypocrite, number one lynch priority for today.

Shrek_Gurl_12: Reading through this ISO is honestly a chore. Itā€™s riddled with gimmicks and bullshit ā€œjoke readsā€. I agree with them that Ryanā€™s ā€œtownslipā€ doesnā€™t earn him any credit, but thatā€™s the only thing I can find myself to like. Stop with the bullshit if you are, for some reason, town.

ATNoName: This is self-centered of me sure, but I would like to ask what you meant when saying my alignment should be more obvious later on. Besides that, AT seems to be posting whatever pops into his head at the time, and I like that it allows me to further visualize his thought processes.

sulit: What Iā€™d ideally like from you is to explain your reads more. You often post barebones reads with no reasoning behind them, and specifically stated you had two full scumreads you were hiding for a later date. Why even say this at all to possibly alert the wolves, if youā€™re just going to keep quiet? This gripe aside, I like sulitā€™s behavior thus far. Theyā€™ve been posting actual content, and pushing at people in their own way. Iā€™ve heard talk of an activity-tell of sulitā€™s, weā€™ll see if this reveals anything more later.

PokemonKidRyan: As previously mentioned, I donā€™t think his forgetfullness gains him any towncred here, but thereā€™s not much else of importance within his 7-post ISO.

Benjamin_Shapiro: Cut. Out. The. Gimmicks. Youā€™re the second top-poster, with the majority of your ISO being fluff, and unsurprisingly, gimmicks. Obviously gimmicks themselves arenā€™t AI, but the way youā€™ve been using them I believe is. Youā€™ve been clogging the thread and starting bullshit arguments which I think comes from scum trying to distract everyone and throw the thread off-course.

lllwei: Something that immediately stuck out to me is the focus on whether or not players are new. Curiosity is natural but itā€™s making me uneasy that illiwei chooses to be this narrow in their focus. It shouldnā€™t matter this much whether someone is new or an alternate account? You seem to ask plenty of questions, yet donā€™t provide much in return.

demoknighttf2: Already given reasonings here as well, I still think they hold true. Initially, I focused on his hard defense of Lightā€™s not-reading, then I reconsidered as I think this comes from a town perspective. I donā€™t believe it was intended for townreading/whiteknighting the slot, but rather to point out the obvious flaws in the counterargument. Though looking at recent posts, it seems I may have misunderstood the interaction if either of you want to condense it for me.

Overall, there are far many more Nulls than Iā€™m comfortable with, though I donā€™t know what I expected compiling a full readslist this early. I am open to any and all questions regarding these, I should be more active later tonight.

I spend so long reading what I missed and forming my master readlist, and the second I do, everyone vanishes. I feel so extremely appreciated right now.

Yeah, scaledslinky is probably town. Scum wouldnā€™t call themselves scum in their readslist.

I would, actually- my warped sense of humor seems to think itā€™s hilarious. I ask that you donā€™t read me off of something Iā€™d confidently do as either alignment.

Iā€™ll keep that in mind.

but yes this readlist exists
ill go over it later becuase rn

flimsy reasoning

Thanks, thatā€™s all I ask. I want to be read on my actual contributions rather than my admittedly awful attempts to be funny.

Fair enough.