[VFM] SFoL -1: Hall of the Incendiary - Night 6 - Cult wins!

Hey, I’m a formal snake what can I say? However I’d still like you to explain some of your reads, particularly your locktowning of Light.

I had to finish a project, my apologies for not returning sooner. Unfortunately academics > forum mafia this time, however much I wish that weren’t the case.

PKR I see you’re here as well, could you clarify some of these reads, particularly your extremes?

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Vote Count :flushed:

Vote Target Voted by Votes
GGhana demoknight, Light 2/8
Leafia PKR, Benjamin_Shapiro, ATNoName 3/8
Mistyx Illwei, GGhana 2/8
Gorta Leafia 1/8
Light Mistyx 1/8
Whysper sulit 1/8
PKR Shrek_Gurl_12 1/8

Honestly, I think I should have moved you to a 4 but only thought that as soon as I said the results.

I do not think you and Shrek both are wolves and I think they are scummier than you.
Leafia is mostly the things from earlier and they have yet to town tell.

Sulit just seems comfortable in thread, no fakeness at all.
Whys is someone I struggle to read so since for now I do not see anything that rings alarm bells I want to secure them quite high.

Oh, right

/vote Demo

If I’m getting this right, you don’t think your lowest reads are wolves? Or are you just saying you don’t think I am w/w with Shrek? I’d appreciate clarification on this.

One thing, @Whysper have you read up on the thread, and if not when do you intend to do so?

Sure, I will expand on it more in a bit.
I do not think you are W/W with Shrek is what I was saying.

Some Fluff

loads up a gun It’s wild west bois.

Ima just leave this here for all of you to read.

I know you are gonna post more (with the 4 hours remaining), but could you tell why you TR Ben and SR Shrek?

Sounds good to me, just posting barebones reads with no explanation to them is something that’s always mildly annoyed me. As long as you plan on elaborating eventually.

How, though, can you put Whysper so high from a single post? You say you have trouble reading her, then stick her up with your highest townread off one post, seems a bit counterintuitive to me.


I was joking about him being lock town

Vote Count :flushed:

Vote Target Voted by Votes
GGhana demoknight, Light 2/8
Leafia PKR, Benjamin_Shapiro, ATNoName 3/8
Mistyx GGhana 1/8
Gorta Leafia 1/8
Light Mistyx 1/8
Whysper sulit 1/8
PKR Shrek_Gurl_12 1/8
demoknighttf2 Illwei 1/8

Oh ho ho yes give me two votes very nice.

You still have my vote on Misty

That makes a bit more sense now (though you can’t blame me if all your reads have this little explanation). However, you said you would explain at a later date I believe and I’ll hold you to that.

I have no reason to keep on Misty, and I’d rather be voting Demo.
I don’t know what the case is against Leafia still. Don’t understand it.
I don’t think that GGhana should be killed. they read a lot more Village than otherwise.

The effect of me voting on Misty is practically the same as me voting on Demo, and I would rather be voting on Demo.

The case on Leafia is largely meta-based.
Explain further on GGhana, the slot was (and still is, admittedly) quite confusing for me to read.

I’ve read up on the thread. Now trying to prioritize what to review and comment on. I was going to first go through the top wagons to assess where to place a vote. I don’t think I’ll have time to do any full ISOs since I’m on mobile and there’s not much time left to EoD. I’ll do more during N1.

I would need to look at their slots

I’m glad to hear that, has anything stuck out to you in particular that you’re going to review besides the top wagons? Limiting yourself to those ignores the possibility that all could be town, for instance.

Explain why I read GGhana as Village?
I guess it’s mostly their reaction to being top wagon a bit ago, and other…I can try and find the quotes, but just most of the things they say…
They were being overly defensive and nitpicky and tunnelling, which both reads Village and TWTBAW to me.
I also think the point about them editing their posts has reason but is-
Now Im flip flopping again. They could be Scum. I-