[VFM] SFoL -1: Hall of the Incendiary - Night 6 - Cult wins!


Again. Why?

And that’s been their main argument?


Gorta now please.

Save misty if you think I’m town

/vote Gorta
That’s fair
I’d rather this than rand

Thx bb

Or than Leafia it seems…

if gorta flips wolf i’m spamming ghana with joycats tomorrow


Ily cutie

damnit derps, you lynched a towny


If gorta is scum I will eat toilet paper and film myself and post it I swear to god.

I mean I’m kinda “eh” on you right now but I’m good on Mist so

Guys shoot cw!!!

Remember to shoot the cw guys!!

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Vote Count :nerd_face:

Vote Target Voted by Votes
GGhana demoknight 1/8
Leafia PKR, ATNoName, Illwei 3/8
Mistyx sulit, Benjamin_Shapiro, Gorta, GGhana 4/8
PKR Shrek_Gurl_12 1/8
Illwei ScaledSlinky 1/8
Gorta SirDerpsAlot, Mistyx, Leafia, Whysper, Light 5/8

Everyone has 5 minutes to PM me any inaccuracies in the vote count

As the stars began to appear in the sky over Adiart, its residents began to accept the responsibility that had been thrust upon them. They had to choose one person among them to execute – one of their friends, someone they had grown up with, someone they had learned from. Yet if they refused to accept this responsibility, they would become easy prey for the cult of Ignis.

“But who will carry out the executions?” asked one of Adiart’s residents. “If a Cultist does it, they could sacrifice the body to Ignis.”

“I know!” said another. “We can just have the Inquisitors do it.”

The first speaker frowned slightly, remembering the last time she had seen the castle’s two Inquisitors. She had spoken with them a few years ago to apply for permission to read Pliny’s Natural History – not for any of its heretical content, of course, simply for Pliny’s comments on medicine. They had granted it – unsurprisingly, given that she was a legitimate physician – but the process had still been incredibly tedious.

“What?” said the second speaker. “Neither of them would ever become a cultist. They’re too busy figuring out if people’s treatises are technically heretical or just badly-written.”

As the second speaker ran off to track down the Inquisitors, the remaining members of the court tried to settle on who they wanted to execute.

“I think that Gorta is a member of the Cult of Ignis!” said Derps. “He is wearing red today, the color of fire. Besides, the dye on their clothes is strong enough that I doubt he’d be able to afford it himself. Maybe it was paid for by the Cult?”

“That’s a ridiculous accusation,” said Gorta. “Just because I’m wearing red, doesn’t make me a Cultist. Besides, would a Cultist really be that obvious? They’d probably wear a more normal color to blend in.”

“Sounds to me like you’re just mad you got caught,” said Light. “Would an innocent person be so bothered by a false accusation?”

“Yes!” said sulit.

“No one asked you!” said Derps.

“I think everyone accusing me is a Cultist!” said Gorta. “If you weren’t, you would see that I’m obviously innocent here. Your arguments don’t even make sense!”

Just then, the two Inquisitors, Arete and Marshal, walked in.

“We’ve decided!” said Derps “We think Gorta is a member of the Cult of Ignis.”

Inquisitor Marshal glanced at Inquisitor Arete. “Except, the problem is, he isn’t.”

“We fully investigated him months ago,” said Inquisitor Arete. “People were worried that his treatise on royalty was heretical. But nothing he said is at all indicative of Cult involvement.”

“Frankly, I’m cringing just to hear you accuse him,” said Inquisitor Marshal.

“What do you know?” said Derps. He took their sword and drove it through Gorta’s heart.

Gorta was executed! He was:

The Princess

You have no abilities except your voice and your vote. Put them to good use!
You win when all of the Cult are dead.

Night 1 begins and will end in 12 hours, at 2020-10-17T14:00:00Z.

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In their underground temple, the Cultists of Ignis gathered together, joining their hands in a circle as they stood around the altar. They began to chant, calling upon the power of Ignis. On the altar, a pile of carefully-arranged wood burst into flames, crackling and spitting sparks.

As the cultists approached the end of their chant, their hands began to feel as though they were burning, though to outward appearances nothing had changed. The leader of the Cultists gritted his teeth and forced himself to keep reciting his prayers to Ignis. * Fire, consume us. Devour our essence, that your flames might flourish.*

At last, they reached the end of their prayer. Abruptly, the fire on their altar flashed with a hot blue flame, then extinguished itself, leaving only a thin coating of ash on the altar. The head cultist looked at his hands, for a moment, noting how the seemed strangely untouched, though just a moment before they had felt as if he was holding them in the center of a bonfire.

On the opposite side of the castle, one member of the court awoke, sweating. Their room felt warm – too warm, given that it was still the middle of the night. They sighed. Probably they were just coming down with a chill or something; worrying about it wouldn’t do them any good.

Yet burning inside them was the mark of Ignis. Their life-force was his, now, whether or not they knew it.

No one has died in the night! Day 2 begins and will end in 36 hours, at [time]. With 14 players alive, majority is 8.