[VFM] Swords & Staffs - Mafia Wins!

I see a reasonable case for Geyde getting lynched at lylo then and then maf win at F3

It was all apart of the master plan

Kill the people who actually read the op so that you can claim bullshit

Eh, I prefer to be a Switzerland.

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I donā€™t

Iā€™m dummy stupid and would eat pie at F3

Youā€™re fine so long as Baz isnā€™t at F3 with you

Seriously Iā€™d sheep that kid 99.99999% of the time at lylo

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When Baz is right, heā€™s right, and when heā€™s wrong, heā€™s scum

precisely, and I donā€™t see him bussing nearly enough to go against this

So far Iā€™ve been SPKā€™d n1 in 2 out of my last 3 games in MU.

And one of them was a 51pā€™er mash, so lol.

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Also phat respect on the Dedede


That quick hammer on me
I was asleep >_>

I had the staff too

im sorry :frowning:

I had Blue pegged as scum
I knew DB wasnt scum
Geyde was awfully quiet
Wazza wasnt helping
Baz was there but not there

Magnus literally gamethrew by spouting a shyt ton of nonsense


Who did you use it on

DatBird, Iā€™m guessing.

Godfather is the best passive choice anyway
It really wouldnā€™t be an autoclear unless one already flipped

Magnus towntold hard I dont know why you guys scumread him


I tried my best to save him but it was all for naught