[VFM] Town vs Bandits - Day 5 (4/13) - Bandits Win!


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i said they’re not w/w specifically, i don’t see how that equates to saying they’re v/w

ok the fact that this is the fifth time that I’ve corrected this (I said this about literally one specific post) and you’re still pushing this argument means there’s no way I actually believe you’re arguing in good faith

just no.


oh my god

are you actually saying that after the game was randed I literally just decided you were a wolf

and this is somehow wolfy behaviour from me?

this is literally ridiculous what the fuck

Did I box in proph on day 1

why is that a “what”
i’m trying to solve their slots because that’s the part of the game i happened to read and actually pay attention to

nvm apparently i did not, i’m dumb lmao

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As far as I can tell almost all of Proph’s arguments against me are basically just repeating things he’s heard me said while avoiding the big picture of what I’m actually arguing for, most likely because it’s a lot easier to discredit me if he did that rather than actually tackling why he thinks I’m a wolf because its a lot harder to actually discredit my entire case than to just take one paragraph I posted a day ago and pretend that’s my entire case and argue against that.

And also his reason for shading me is patently ridiculous and literally makes no sense at all

yeah no this man’s just wolfing

Sorry I’m a moron

I meant why I think he’s a wolf

that question had literally no relevance to what i was poking at you for
i’m not saying you have to know they are villagers
i’m saying it’s wolfy if they are because you said they are probably v/w without saying which, and then backtracked to saying they could be v/v

I literally said in that post that Vulgard was townier
the only reason I put a caveat that they could be v/v is because I know I’ve pretty consistently misread both of them, but I don’t think their cases on each other looked partnered from that bit of the thread. I’ll read them more in-depth as individual slots but I think Proph might be wolfing, I just don’t want to confbias myself on his slot like I did in ciconia without considering that I could still be wrong.

i have no idea how i missed this
why didn’t you point this out earlier

idk bruh but you quoted my post lol

why does vulgard’s play remind you of yourself in ciconia

the difference between you in that game and him in this one is that your motivation was clear at an earlier stage and you made more of a visible attempt to analyse responses to it. vulgard isn’t, really

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it’s moreso the talk surrounding his play and not the play itself that reminds me of ciconia tbh
because i saw a lot of commentary about vulgard’s first few posts being wolfy but the way the thread handled it was kinda jumpy iirc
tbf i was half asleep when i read that part of the thread so maybe i should reread it

Because you made it sound like you expected him to be wolfy from the very beginning of the game. Although this interaction I’s giving you a somewhat more villagery feel, so I might be wrong on you being a wolf. Your confusion over this just sounds villagery, and not like a wolf trying to backtrack from accidentally outing. /unvote

Would you please explain this?

I read some stuff but i think my brain is mush soup again because i honestly can’t focus
might just come back in the morning and power through some backreading

Nice try. You’re not thread spewed anything.

Not gonna lie. GGhana has a point here.

has anyone taken GGhana’s takes seriously yet? why does it sound like you’re trying to shut down what he said? sorry if I didn’t read enough to know the answer to this, but I’m curious.

Partial mindmeld with me, especially with the first part. GGhana has moved up to only being a scumlean for me honestly.