[VFM] Town vs Bandits - Day 5 (4/13) - Bandits Win!

that is unbelievably funny

why the hell did we pivot off of will yesterday? Also windyā€™s reaction post i saw earlier was really really wolfy

think windy and will are probably 2 wolves

Because Iā€™m good g

windy especially iā€™m pretty sure made it a point how they agreed with vulgard yesterday

town windy has no reason to pivot and land the kill on vulgard especially when she knew he wasnā€™t here

/vote WindwardAway @Wazza

iā€™m like
positive sheā€™s a wolf now

aliceā€™s takes also kinda suck

@Alice @staypositivefriend @Prophylaxis thoughts on just having the PRs claim today? Not claim their exact role just the two people who are PRs

I think having two ics is better than a tracker and a jker imo

spf is probably town too

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/vote WindwardAway @Wazza

why do you think so?

i think we have enough fairly obvious villagers alive that it isnā€™t really necessary for the PRs to claim right now - it would be nice to have two people to not have to worry about reading but i dunno if that would outweigh the utility of making them actually out


you posted 5 times in a row

take might be dumb but i think wolf you would just gather your thoughts and post once or twice max

i actually posted 20 times in a row, i tried to post more but the forum literally wouldnt let me :stuck_out_tongue: i dunno if thatā€™s actually a towntell for me but iā€™ll take it, i guess!

kinda sucks that everyone left the thread as soon as i got caught up. i walk a lonely road

tragic 2 word short story:

ā€œUwU Deadā€


Eh, main pause irt to why Iā€™m not wolfreading him that hard is that from experience newbwolves generally keep to themselves and try to slip UTR rather than spend the entire game tunneling a single player like this.

Iā€™m not exactly towning him either as he really isnā€™t approaching this tunnel on Emilia like Iā€™d expect a newbtown to such as by repeatedly trying to convince us to lynch her and be fairly vocal in the thread about his wolfread rather than just make comments such as the meta one. Heā€™s kind of justā€¦ there, I guess?


Voted Voters Count
WindwardAway GGhana, Marluxion, staypositivefriend 3/6
Emilia willtaylor 1/6
GGhana Leafia 1/6
willtaylor WindwardAway 1/6
Not Voting Alice, Arctic, EliThePsycho, Prophylaxis, Emilia 5

Majority is 6. Day ends at 2021-09-02T20:00:00Z

I meant mostly from yesterday later in the game, tbfh?

WWA kinda slipped UTR after Vulgard/I got into that argument and Iā€™m starting to think more and more that Emiliaā€™s just villaging this match so if that mess was all villagers then I think that the wolves are probably just letting the town self-destruct unless Propā€™s a wolf.

I think itā€™s just 1~2 wolves there, tbfh.

WWAā€™s probably wolfing, I donā€™t think Emiliaā€™s in their wolfrange rn, but will can kinda go either way.

On reflection I kinda think that it makes him wolfier?

ToL/ToS isnā€™t exactly 1:1 to FM, but I remember playing my first wolf forum game in a 31pā€™er match and I did extremely well despite being a first-time wolf there where I was confidently was pushing and casing multiple villagers, tbfh.

Back in ToS I used to do a bunch of ballsy moves such as when I found a Doc as a consig Iā€™d hard push them as a SK and in ToL I used to have quite a strong scumgame that I won a pretty high amount of games whenever I randed Cult or Unseen and this translated very well to FM.

The fact that he mentioned that he bussed on ToL/ToS actually points to me probably underestimating his wolf game considering that most wolves on those games would basically just spend the entire game potatoā€™ing rather than try to make plays, tbfh.