[VFM] Town vs Bandits - Day 5 (4/13) - Bandits Win!


I’ll respond to you a little more in depth when I’m at my laptop, but looking forward to your reread posts

I’m not going to quote GGhana’s ISO, but the thing is that I’m basically at sulit being a villager with concerns, tbfh.

The entire way that they handled Will and your slot feels extremely villagery as there’s no damn reason for a wolf to be so passionate irt a townread on a villager to make the thread heated and quasi-toxic like that and his progression and conviction on you looks extremely uninformed being that he goes from “Proph’s opener sucked” to “Yeah, fuck it. Proph’s howling” in a pretty natural manner.

However, GGhana’s opener sucked being that he basically went to the correct conclusion of “Chloe V” almost immediately which is why I was reading those two as PR. I think that this can be explained by the fact that people on this site feel the unnatural need to defend other players under fire and I’ve wrongly wolfread a lot of people because of this.

Thing is after sulit subbed in… yeah, her posts have been extremely underwhelming and she’s outright admitted to not have read the thread despite the fact that we’re basically 2 MLs down and not a single wolf has died yet, which may point to them being a potential coasting wolf, especially with how they’ve decided to town Marl this easily.

In general I just absolutely hate how their slot has just done nothing since they’ve subbed in and have been riding on GGhana’s towncore status.

in town you worlds
the PoE is just Alice/Leafia/Marluxion/Emilia/Sulit

removing Eli for being the JK
Arctic would almost be obvious town at this point given that nobody thinks that’s a wolf, but then Emilia had to go and ruin that when they spazzed out

300 posts into this game, and they attack Arctic for one post, crazy

Sulit is dead, like GGhana exists as a town lean because of his general behavior
/emotion, and Sulit kind of throws that in the dumpster by being a potato

and reading Marluxion based on, “Why would he do this post if he is a wolf”, is irrelevant, since he does dumb mechanical plays as either alignment.

and I still think SPF pointed some major inconsistencies in your posts @Prophylaxis

and in that world I think its Marluxion and IDK, you and Ghana would be spicy, but Sulit isn’t doing much to help that slot

and outside of Emilia’s outburst onto Arctic, they are non-existent

ill be around tomorrow if anyone wants to interact with me, else I’m not going to do much, back reading is a pain

Alice, what changed from your post 3303, when you said “Marl feels genuine and Leafia feels uninformed as hell. So who is the last wolf” to your post 3337, where you say “I kinda feel like if Marl’s wolfing then there are no deepwolves and this is likely a last-ditch attempt to make himself more villagery so he has a chance to get a bit deeper.”?

Don’t think that Marl made any posts from that earlier post to now, and going from Marl feeling genuine to you actively considering worlds where he is a wolf kinda implies a reads change there?


I don’t think you’d be wolfing with Marl/Wisp unless you came into Today with the express intent of hellbussing both of your remaining buddies

If Wisp is wolfing, I don’t see Leafia being a wolf with Wisp because of the single post she had where she directly addressed Windward in a way that is not really indicative of wolfbuddies (and if her wolfgame involves a lot of TMI/bussing, then the way she’s treated the Wisp slot is very much not indicative of that)

Arctic/Emilia are likely not wolves with Wisp based on how Wisp posted the popcorn gif

Eli is jailor

I thiiiiiiink I’m in agreement with you about sulit most likely being the one who’s snowing us in that world, but I would need to reread and do my due diligence. The next likeliest is probably like, Emilia or Arctic? But again Arctic/Marl interactions on Day 1 did not look aligned - they kinda got into a pissing contest late D1.

I don’t know your wolfrange - if you’re a wolf, I can see you bussing one of your buddies in this gamestate, but you downgrading Marl back to PoE doesn’t really make sense if you’re wolves with him because you can just keep powerwolfing with him and go after me.

So maybe like sulit/Emilia now that I’ve played around with it in my head

Maybe if your meta stuff on Emilia is accurate she’s probably not a wolf with Wisp

Did you, though?

Did a quick skim of your ISO, didn’t see any real mention unless I’m blind.

Can you substantiate this if you could? I don’t think you’ve really mentioned Alice or interacted with her for a majority of the game? Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.

By making them believe that you faking paranoia about them will make them think that you genuinely do not know your alignment

Was thinking about the motivations behind this play while I was eating dinner, tbfh.

Like, a lot of people started TR’ing Marl over it so if the wolfteam’s exactly you/Marl/Wisp then this could be a last-ditch attempt to make himself more villagery so two other villagers get chopped over him.

If there’s a deepwolf and the team’s something like Marl/Sulit/Wisp, Marl could try going 1-for-1 with Eli and then if Eli gets mischopped, which there would be a realistic chance of this happening since he’d effectively be thunderdoming an extremely slanky slot, then Sulit would just have to mischop you/Me/Emilia/Leafia and win.

OTOH if Wisp is wolfing which by this point I’m pretty sure he is, then it could be an attempt to out the JK without risking a thunderdome and to remove a player the could easily clear themselves by tomorrow since we’d still be in LyLo-1.

I think sulit/Leafia are giving him way too much credit with this play as while I can see it coming from a villager, I don’t think that Marl didn’t think he wouldn’t be CC’d by the actual JK since he was very deep in the PoE and for him to flip out at Eli like this is… eh.

i’m taking the bolded to mean that you believe marl/me/sulit are the team

so you believe that marl and i randomly decided to thunderdome each other today, and you think that wolf!ghana decided to helltunnel one of his buddies

okay cool

if you genuinely believed this, then you would be posting these so-called inconsistencies and be hounding me for them. instead you’re drive-by shading me and not doing anything with this

This is basically the world that I’m in if you’re a villa, tbfh.

I have a hard time seeing Leafia learn to handle TMI this well between this game and SFoL67. Her handling of Wisp’s slot and the rolecop derp is basically something that I’d never expect of her wolfgame and if she were wolfing I’d probably expect her to start the day saying something like “the wolves probably used the factional rolecop on SPF n1”, tbfh.

Eli’s the un-CC’d PR.

Emilia’s… eh, she feel excessively confrontational and not-caring for this to be her wolf game.

Arctic’s basically clear in more ways than I can imagine and I have absolutely zero concerns over his slot. His focus, his tone, his engagement, his analysis, literally everything is well above his wolfrange. From him to go from his play in Meowtainado to here is unthinkable.

Sulit’s basically a mixed bag as while GGhana had a spurt of villageryness earlier, sulit’s been dropping extremely hard, that compounded with his opening’s basically my main concerns.


The thing that keeps getting me about Marl’s play is that it both outed the JKer and I really do not understand at all why he claimed that he thought Emilia was the JKer, given that SPF hardwagonned Emilia D1. Idk what he’s expecting from spf but there’s no way I rand one of these PRs and then distance with my mason-buddy by voting them close to EoD.

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Oh, yeah.

This checks out. SPF was on Emilia’s wagon at EoD1 so there’s no way that he’d think that unless he just outright didn’t read the game.

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It’s not just distancing. SPF was literally one of the first people on Emilia’s wagon.

There’s no way that Marl would’ve thought that they were masons together especially since SPF was one of the main pushers behind Emilia.

im gonna go to bed but will sleep on this sulit/marl/wisp world

still have like

trouble thinking that ghana’s play d1/d2 comes from a wolf

but him just like randomly retracting the will townread at SoD2 doesn’t give me great vibes

does ghana have like, a completed wolfgame somewhere? people were mentioning princess daisy in meowtainado but he replaced out pretty early in that game iirc

I don’t think so?

I think his last wolf game was like several months ago.

Ghana scumreads marl early but kinda just abandons his wolfread on him to go after me

and then says here after marl has spamposted that marl is obviously villaging

kinda getting conf biased rn lol

at the same time though he got legit angry and very frustrated sod2


gonna sleep on it.

yeah this is why i think it’s more likely he claimed it as mafia to easily win the dome either in lylo or putting the game in lylo tbh

alice or emilia probably