[VFM] Town vs Bandits - Day 5 (4/13) - Bandits Win!

Probably at around like post 300 or so in my catchup

If anyone wants to interact/do real time, I’m down, should be in the thread for the next hour or two

So… general thoughts so far?

Yeah I have a couple of reads

Gimme a couple of minutes to finish my readthrough and I’ll post

thanks for the extensively detailed catch-up posts, chloe. tbh im having trouble making heads or tails of this game because of how nuanced the meta stuff going on is, but i appreciate the effort and im willing to work with you until we catch the mafia together or i decide to scumread you :stuck_out_tongue:


Sorry, it’s just that a fair amount of the playerlist(GGhana, Leafia, Arctic, and Eli and Emilia to an extent) is fairly polarized so they can be easily read by anyone with experience with them.

I don’t like using meta, but since these 5 are easy reads then lol.

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the short version of why im leaning on alice being a villager is because her posts imply an internal process going on behind the scenes that the rest of the thread isn’t privy to, whereas her posting as a wolf (from what i’ve seen) is very focused on performativity and coming off as externally villagery

for example, i think that alice disengaging from the chloe/gghana stuff entirely is villagery within itself, because alice as a wolf would have a vested interest in maintaining thread control and ensuring that a specific narrative goes through, instead of just ignoring two of the biggest topics of conversation and letting the rest of the thread handle them. i also think that her reads are much less LAMIST-y than the one wolf game i’ve seen from her

mm i dont mind that and i expected as much, it just makes it harder to know how to best utilize my scumhunting in a game where there are so many complex dynamics playing out in very specific ways lol

i am drinking #Beer so im not entirely sober but i will be around for the next couple of hours if anyone wants to chat! the most notable thing to me about this game so far is the lack of any consensus wolfreads (or any real pushes against people in general?). chloe was the closest that the thread had to a person to push on, but it seems like people are mostly just townreading each other now without a lot of outright suspicion? it’s interesting

This is pretty much exactly where I’m at, plus more

Good eye

Let me know if you have any questions regarding meta or the like
First game on a site where everyone knows eachother can be difficult

I’m a little confused as to why nobody else is really picking up on the red flags from Vulgard or exploring that direction

But I’m mostly in wait-and-see mode, since some of the people who are harder to read have yet to really post or have been gone

Your threadread is noted but I don’t think it has a ton of merit considering not everyone has posted thusfar

Can I ask what your read on Vul is rn?

@willtaylor do you mind explaining your read on Emilia in more detail for me please?

Tbfh, my reads kinda are like in the same place here except I think that I put Emilia too highly?

I kinda am lowering them as I’m not entirely sure what is their full wolfrange since I haven’t played many games with them since their hiatus. Their tone looks far less dry and more relaxed than their wolfgame, but that’s kind of it. Wouldn’t really lock her in rn.

Leafia in general I think I’m at the point where she’s close to Arctic level of villageryness as the way that she’s been going at it on Eli feels fairly natural of her and doesn’t really feel like her wolfgame where she struggles dealing with TMI and just spents her entire time buddying villagers. Entire play from her here feels as if she’s just doing her own thing rather than seeking approval from villas.

I think SPF’s analysis and perspective have so far have been pretty on-point while staying fairly succinct and to-the-matter. Only reason why she’s not higher is because I know that she has a very strong wolfrange.

Eli… eh, least certain of my TRs, but I his comfort in the the thread’s extremely villagery from him at a glance.

Just want to say hi to spf - not sure if you’re familiar with me at all, but I was speccing Voxx’s ROCKS mafia pretty closely and it was amazing to see you solve that game along with everyone else who randed v in that playerlist. Gonna be great fun to play a game with you here.

Alice, is there a reason why you had to make this post in response to Leafia’s accusation? Normally I’d expect something like “I can obvtown myself” if you had some mild pressure or a couple of votes on you, but you saying this to Leafia’s “gives me slightly bad vibes” feels a little like overcompensating.

For people who have experience with Alice: Does she “townsplain” a lot as either alignment? I kinda liked the first post she made, but the second one where she doubles down on calling herself town in response to a weak accusation is making my eyebrows twitch.

I like Arctic’s attempts to sort out Eli here, though one thing that I found intriguing was that Eli voted Alice in post 37 but then they considered Alice could be “a competent one” in 45 and unvoted in post 46, five minutes later. Eli, could you explain to me what kinda went on inside your head during the five minutes where you voted Alice and then unvoted? Did you just think that instead of a wolf, she could be a competent villager, and then you unvoted? Trying to walk through your thought process here a little.

Kinda paranoid of the bolded honestly - especially considering that Chloe would have needed to copy and paste a wowee emoji from somewhere. I agree with her that Leafia is looking pretty comfy from these first couple of posts, but the “just that easy ngl wowee” part feels overexplained.

You too my dude

(Wanted to mention this in Ciconia postgame, but you were town, I replaced in as town, and the wolves got utterly smashed. Hope a similar thing happens this game if you’re v)

63 is a good post by Arctic, though I do want to hear from the horse’s mouth on what caused that indecision/unvote by Eli.

Think others have already gotten to this point, but why is your w read on Chloe so confident based off of her opening post? I picked out something that I wasn’t completely sure of, but it’s still extremely early and I’m never sure on wolfreads early.

You’re not used to v!Chloe being generally helpful to others in the game? Kind of having a hard time believing you believe this.

See spf/Arctic have similar thoughts to me around this time, so props.

Arctic stole the words out of me with his 91. The fact that Vulgard is pushing Chloe over something like this early game and being extremely confident in it, to the point of preflipping spf as a wolf based off of her first post where she claimed she was mafia/gay, is something I find really hard to believe.

When I began the game I kinda didn’t wanna do much for the earlier half of the day since this playerlist has a very proactive attitude in general unlike Ciconia where you had multiple people who need to be prodded to do shit.

I basically posted it so people wouldn’t wolfread me for being underwhelming as this shit happens a lot since I have a reputation of being a hyperposter, though I kinda started getting fired up when I noticed one of Chloe’s posts that pinged me earlier on.

You’re scumreading spf based of off… not saying anything yet, when there are several players who haven’t posted and I think I only had my RVS vote by the time this post was made? I keep saying this, but I have a really hard time believing that you’re making your reads in good faith.

Again, a couple of players haven’t gotten to the thread, while I think I had only my RVS vote at the time. Why didn’t you scumread me for posting anything of substance?

Plus, spf only had these two posts in the game thread at the time. You really think that’s an indication of her being a wolf?

I feel like you’re either a wolf who is making these reads in bad faith or you’re purposefully overplaying this as a villager, because I know you’re a better player than this.

This is a good observation that I hadn’t considered. I do feel like Leafia would feel some ~internal pressure as a wolf to say something about one of her proposed townreads getting wagonned, and the fact that they chose not to really draw attention to it but instead voted Emilia (who had a pretty sheepy vote onto Chloe) is a good look for Leafia.

That said, is anyone able to enlighten me with Leafia meta just so I could double check? I know that Chloe mentioned that Leafia was the easiest read out of anyone in-thread, and the only time I’ve played with them was in Ciconia and they were outed cop and pretty villagery besides the fact. I’m not familiar with them as wolf - the only time I think I’ve seen her as wolf was in the FAM mash, and I barely read any posts in that game.

WRT Arctic’s 121 - I don’t know Emilia, but I do think her admittance that she didn’t think about the fact that Chloe’s reminder of the postcount limit was AI is a little townie? If I squint? Just feels like her admitting that shows a tiny lack of self awareness that I think most wolves would hesitate to put in the game thread.

Vulg, do you normally consider worlds where your hard townreads could be potentially scumbuddies with who you’ve already outlined to be wolves?

Tell me what you like about it and why you think it comes from town Vulg? I just have an issue with how this read operates at a baseline (I have a hard time believing he genuinely believes that Chloe is very wolfy based on her reminding Leafia about the postcount restriction, and I have a even harder time believing that he thinks spf is wolf based off of making two housekeeping posts at the time, when people like me existed) so him making the associative read doesn’t hold up for me.

Oh god nooooo these are the posts that pocket me

Bad flashbacks

I’ll reply when i’m more free but a

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You’re saying that Alice feels like she’s taking an advisory role in the game, but (I think?) later you say that Alice likes to take thread control as wolf? How do those statements both jive together?

No never mind, you’re saying that she does this as villager. Ignore me

I like Alice and spf’s (also Arctic’s) attempts to engage with Ghana. Think they’re doing it from a place of trying to genuinely understand Ghana as opposed to as a way to opportunistically push him.

Arctic’s 224 is also very good and nuanced in a way that I don’t think comes from his wolf game.

I keep reading Ghana’s posts and I feel like he’s desperately trying to focus more on explaining his mindset and what he was thinking about at the time to Alice/spf/Arctic about /why/ he thinks Alice and I are wolves. Feels like he is annoyed at getting misunderstood from all three of them? Just trying to think about how wolf Ghana might enter the thread and… my gut tells me that he doesn’t really try to sling mud at both Alice (who I think they share a history together) and me (someone who he doesn’t know very well, but I did I think send him some QTs on how to improve and told him to take notes during games to pare down his post count, so I think he knows I’m a decent player). Just trying to put myself into his shoes if he randed W in this playerlist and I don’t think he would immediately latch onto some of the stronger players in the game early?

Also my gut kinda tells me that he doesn’t walk back the proclaimed townread on Chloe because I feel like wolf Ghana knows that he would get eviscerated ITT as soon as he admitted that, but that’s not a super strong read and I don’t know him super well.

Really like Chloe’s 283; she kinda just nailed on what I found to be wolfy about Vulgard (in that I don’t believe he believes what he is saying)

I like 292 from Ghana as well - the progression between 287 and 292 where he engages with Chloe a bit and then goes “actually fuckit Chloe can be a villager read” reads as a fairly natural thought process.

Why? I’ve liked how Ghana has interacted with Chloe over these past couple of posts.

Not exactly sure what to make of Eli’s two pushes this game being “I’ve reconsidered after a couple of minutes, unvote” (like the previous one was in five minutes, this one was in three). I think it’s kinda townie in a vacuum (because I feel like in general, if wolves decide to push something, they decide to full-blown go for it most of the time) but I’m also not familiar with Eli as a whole.

I do like his attempt to go back and ISO Chloe to get a more solid perspective on his read of her unprompted though.

Oh, so /this/ was the post I skimmed on my phone about Alice playing earlygame for towncred/thread control

For people who have played game with Alice, can you give me an idea of how she plays both alignments? Because Ghana is scumreading her for being advisor-y, and not taking thread control, and here’s Chloe saying that she plays for thread control, so I’m not exactly sure what to expect here.

Go into depth about this a little? What in her posts indicate that she could be fake?

Can you talk to me a little about this? I just reskimmed his ISO and his tone overall to me feels generally flat, like he’s… trying to play by a villager playbook. Don’t really see where he’s tryharding or has a “fking around energy”

I agree with this. I came out of like, the Orangevitational pretty humbled because I had a v read on Cryogenics most of the game and as a result I was pretty unconfident in most of my reads in Ciconia (was paranoid about pigeon flipping town, shot Wazza despite having a strong behavioral townread on her, etc). So him just going “Chloe wolf for this random early post, spf wolf because she introduced herself” feels extremely disingenuous coming from him after he called out like three villagers as wolves D1 of Ciconia.

(Yeah you cover that in your later posts lolol)

348 is basically summing up all of my concerns about Vul in one sentence. If you’re a wolf here Chloe, then you might be doing the same thing to me what I did to you in DitF LOL

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OK pretty much caught up.

Just some random thoughts in no particular order:

  • Arctic pretty much reminds me exactly of how he played in Ciconia - solvey and interrogative. Had a really good observation with Eli’s backtrack being villagery for him in 63, and his read on Emilia in 121 is also quite nuanced and he’s using meta knowledge of previous games to inform his reads of players in this one. His engagement with Ghana also feels like it’s coming from a place of trying to genuinely understand his mindset rather than trying to opportunistically push him over it.

  • Think Leafia feels pretty relaxed/engaged in a game where I think if they randed scum they would be pretty intimidated due to the high skill level of this game. Their pushes feel like they come from a place of curiosity/trying to figure the person out in question (Eli, Emilia, Ghana) and spf had the particularly solid observation of saying that Leafia would likely be compelled to do /something/ about her v!read on Chloe when Chloe was getting pressured, but instead she just hopped to Emilia to try and poke a stick at her. So yeah, echoing others on thinking that they’re town.

  • I don’t know Ghana very well (think this is probably the first game we’ve played together, I may have read some of his posts when replacing into a game he was in and died) but I feel pretty comfortable with him and how he’s played so far. Think him trying to explain himself to the Arctic/Alice/spf core that he was wolfreading Alice for how she treated Chloe came from a place of him trying to make himself comprehendible/understandable, and don’t feel like he’s operating in bad faith here. Think that he doesn’t push on me or Alice to start the game off as wolf because I feel like he’d know that as scum he’d get eviscerated, especially since he doesn’t know me that well. And I think that he just doesn’t say that his Chloe townread was fake in the middle of people engaging with him since that’s something really risky and I don’t think he’d be the type of player to take risks if he rands W in this playerlist.

  • Chloe… I had some reservations with her about how overplayed her V read on Leafia (also it’s like a lot more challenging to read her now that I don’t actually know her alignment), but she has been mostly mindmelding with me about her thoughts on Vulgard and (to an extent) Ghana. I think that as a wolf, she would probably just… shrug at Alice saying that she would ignore her ITT, and the fact that she’s actually getting legit angry over this and wants to work together with her makes me think that she’s… probably a villager. Again, don’t know her scumrange (just pocketed her to hell in back in DitF) but good with village for now.

  • Vulgard is probably my only “real” scumread, and most of my concerns are echoed by Chloe. Specifically, I don’t believe he believes what he’s saying ITT. Don’t get his scumread on Chloe, don’t get his scumread (and subsequent w/w) pairing with spf. Don’t understand how he could consider arctic/spf/chloe given that he has Arctic as a hard villager. Mentioned this in my catchup post, but I think he’s playing this game like he was handed a playbook on how to play as villager, and kind of doing not a great job with it.

  • Again, I don’t really /know/ Eli (he comodded DitF so I think he has some idea of what my wolfgame looks like, and he was mostly MIA in Ciconia) but if we’re assuming that his wolfgame is lackluster, then him just voting and unvoting Chloe and Alice in the span of a couple of minutes, and then him trying to do stuff on his own initiative by ISOing Chloe and giving his scatterbrained thoughts on her posts is kind of a good look for him? People are saying that he tunnels as a wolf or doesn’t do much on his own initiative, but I feel like if Eli was a wolf here he’d probably 1) not pick Alice or Chloe to vote/unvote on and 2) he would be a little bit more thought-out with his pushes to make it seem like he’s doing /something/. This is one of my weaker townreads though.

Vote Vulgard @Wazza

I’ve liked spf’s posts and her depth of thought, but I think actually Chloe said that my wolfgame was similar to spf’s in that regard so I know that she must have a solid wolfgame. Probably gonna go through her posts later and try to pull stuff out of them.

I need to go back and reread Alice’s posts - she feels kinda floaty to me. Think the only big impressions I have so far of her is that she was engaging with Ghana, she kinda townsplained herself hard early, and she loudly said that she was going to ignore Chloe/Ghana, but want to look at her again.

Emilia also had that one post where I thought she showed lack of self awareness but can’t really remember anything else.

Think that’s mostly it so far? will, Marl, Wind, all haven’t posted much.

Why would you be concerned if people would wolfread you for being underwhelming?

Would you not be able to figure out who would be pushing you opportunistically vs people who are genuinely trying to figure out your alignment, if you’re town here?

Ohhhhh, GGhana and DatBird were both town in Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei (game I replaced into January of this year) and DatBird died while Ghana got replaced by Wisp. That’s why I remember him - I was reading his D1 posts when I was catching up in that game.


Talk to me about how you’re wolfreading both Chloe/Vulgard but Chloe is pushing Vulg very hard here? Do you think that both of them could be w/w? Or are you the type of player who makes their reads in isolation, but doesn’t consider how they could fit together?

I see that Emilia kinda just asked the same question I just did in 323 to Alice

which is kind of a decent look for them?

proceeds to post multiple walls worth of reads


Emilia is absolutely someone who is far easier to read as the game progresses because she can’t keep up the act as a wolf and will eventually mess up somewhere
Don’t want to get too specific as she can figure out what to do to get townread but yeah keep an eye on her down the line

I’m fine with her in townleanville today but she’s nowhere near my core

Reading these proph posts is making me both anxious and excited and i don’t think i’ve ever felt this way in my entire time playing mafia when it comes to reading someone’s posts

This is the exact stuff that pocketed me in DitF - the whole long deep analysis wallposts with a billion mindmelds meant to trick exactly me - and that makes me very skeptical
But i can’t help but townread it and want to work with him lol

I… think so? I want to say yes but I’m not fully sure
Someone like Vul or Marl might know

This is a phrase I’ve used in multiple games, across alignments ftr
It’s kinda just a habit of mine when I feel rather confident in something

I really do think Leafia is someone who is extremely easy to read and can be spotted in her first few posts and I stand by my read there

As for the wowee I literally have it ready to copy/paste whenever I wanna wowee and have probably wowee’d in every game for the past 6 or so months lol


FINALLY someone agrees with what I’ve been saying this entire time

Please don’t be pocketing me
I’ll feel like such a loser

Leafia, as a wolf, has a very very hard time not TMI’ing villagers, but especially her partners - and she’s very obvious about it

If there’s any indication that she’s trying to gauge alignments then she’s most likely a villager lol
I honestly felt the cogs turning in her first few posts
If she were a wolf she wouldn’t show the slight hesitation in throwing me some townpoints for reminding her about the postcap and would instead just straight up call me a villager

As I said in my original read, Leafia is likely only a wolf if her partners haven’t posted yet, as I’d seen none of the signs of her usual behavior when it comes to how she treats scumbuds