[VFM] Town vs Bandits - Day 5 (4/13) - Bandits Win!

eli moment

this gets a +1 from me
good job

thanks green bean

chloe do u want my read on you
i left it long enough

yeah but it better be obvtown


Itā€™s obvious something

(itā€™s not)

i saved this post for later because i wanted to wait for reasons explained further in the post

it basically boils down to chloe being town with some reservations. the way sheā€™s expressed uncertainty on a lot of things reminds me of her normal village play and in a lot of the examples this game it would make more sense as a wolf to take a more headstrong approach to keep mislynch options open such as in gghana and vulgard. thatā€™s the second point, i donā€™t really feel like thereā€™s any agenda from her and i know she might find it hard to push stuff as a wolf in this list but sheā€™s not at all an incompetent wolf from what iā€™ve heard. it looks like sheā€™s been trying to solve the game from a place of good faith from how willing she is to evolve her reads. itā€™s not like how a wolf changes reads either, because normally wolves do it to fit with the consensus but chloe has usually been changing her reads against the consensus such as with gghana which points to her pushing what she believes in rather than what she thinks would appease the thread

i have two reservations though

the first being that chloe normally tries to interact with me much more than she has been this game. iā€™m not sure if itā€™s due to post cap and itā€™s probably also my fault but iā€™m kind of missing the way we bounce ideas off of each other. if sheā€™s a wolf sheā€™d probably find these interactions harder to replicate naturally and so avoiding them makes sense

the second one is what caused me to save my read on chloe for later. i got the impression that chloe and proph were overplaying the paranoia thing they have with each other to the point where it looked pretty forced and like a deliberate attempt to look unaligned, so i wanted to see if this continued because this made me feel like they had partner equity. it didnā€™t really continue though, so i feel better about this really

basically i think sheā€™s probably a villager but sheā€™s been a bit different to last game in terms of direct interactions with me specifically, but this may just be due to lolpostcap

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this is actually a fair point and good on you for bringing it up

i donā€™t know if i can quite explain why i havenā€™t been interacting with you other than the fact that it feels like weā€™re in uhā€¦ different worlds? Itā€™s like weā€™re not on the same wavelength this game in terms of our approach, I guess
I donā€™t really know how to explain it
I wanted to reach out to you earlier and bounce some ideas but you were in the groove and i didnā€™t want to ruin that for you

i also usually originally interact with you to try to figure out your alignment but i found you as town pretty much right off the bat so i went to focus on interacting w/ other people


i see

itā€™s just sad actually

hopefully we can play more tomorrow but thereā€™s a decent chance i eat the n1

you know its coming heh

i wont lie i also kinda lost some of my hope for working together with people when alice told the entire thread to ignore me and she followed through on it despite my attempts to talk to her

i thought i upset her and i didnt know what i did wrong so i kinda uh
sulked for a while

but yeah i wanna chat more pls no die on me ty

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I have a bit of time before I gotta go for dinner, then I should be around at EoD but likely from mobile

anyone wanna bounce thoughts?

Okay if Vulgard is town then who are the wolves? You will never convince me the entire team is in Eli/Will/Emilia. That list has 0 to 1 wolves in it, tops. Leafia I still donā€™t really townread and the only one who did is Alice. Leafia was also doing a ton of hyping up Alice (I called it simping at the time), so maybe the two could be partnered? Iā€™ve also ā€˜clearedā€™ SPF fairly easily today just because they havenā€™t really felt like theyā€™re pushing Agenda. If people think But Vulgard is town I still think Prophy is town, so where does that leave us?

One post remains but Iā€™m going to bed soon anyway so ask me questions or give me thoughts and Iā€™ll do one more big boi post before I sleep and decide on who I want to vote today.

We really should not vote Prophy. We really should not vote Eli again.

Will I am not unwilling but Iā€™m not fully sold, this might still be the best bet if Vulgard is town though.

btw Iā€™m vetoing my own wagon
there are only 3 votes on me currently and SPF hasnā€™t even given the reason why sheā€™s on my wagon yet

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fellas Iā€™m having a bit of a crisis


looking at game state I honestly donā€™t really see proph flipping my v because I donā€™t really have any theories that make sense unless literally every single LHF slot is a wolf which I doubt

but if Iā€™m wrong I feel like Iā€™d just retreat into the sewers and never return mentally

So I want to like go really hard and convince thread to kill proph but if Iā€™m wrong Iā€™d feel like shit

someone help

I saw that you were dead certain Proph is town, but I didnā€™t really like how he didnā€™t even address the fact that I put him as scummier than Vulgard for a while despite being in the thread at the same time as me. I get that he was probably focused on GGhana since both of them were just going back and forth, but the lack of interaction with me while I was in the thread last night was kinda weh. I wasnā€™t in the best of moods but I still wanted to talk with people if they were willing to, it just seemed like nobody really was except for Arctic so I gave up.

Okay if Proph is town then who are the wolves? You will never convince me the entire team is in Eli/Will/Emilia. That list has 0 to 1 wolves in it, tops. Leafia I still donā€™t really townread and the only one who did is Alice. Leafia was also doing a ton of hyping up Alice (I called it simping at the time), so maybe the two could be partnered? Iā€™ve also ā€˜clearedā€™ SPF fairly easily today just because they havenā€™t really felt like theyā€™re pushing Agenda. (ok memes aside SPF is obvious village and I will die on this hill) If people think Proph is town I still think Vulgard is kinda town, so where does that leave us?

One post remains but Iā€™m going to bed soon anyway so ask me questions or give me thoughts and Iā€™ll do one more big boi post before I sleep and decide on who I want to vote today.

We really should not vote Vulgard (actually maybe we should I donā€™t fucking know). We really should not vote Eli again.

Will I am not unwilling but Iā€™m not fully sold, this might still be the best bet if Proph is town though.

(the fact that almost all of this is most of my own thoughts with the names switched around is pretty good ngl)

I was incredibly confused for a couple seconds when reading that lmao

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I think Vulā€™s read on Alice has quite a bit of merit and I wanna look that way and I especially want to hear spfā€™s thoughts on what Vul said earlier, too

I think thereā€™s still the possibility that Proph is a wolf but Iā€™d rather do my due diligence tonight and figure that out

I donā€™t really think the two are W/W fwiw
But I canā€™t quite remember why

Iā€™ve yet to read windā€™s posts after the thing i quoted from vul but if youā€™re saying she got better, and if arctic is saying she got better (i think arctic said that? arctic has she gotten better) then iā€™m okay with cutting her some slack and brushing off her early weirdness as not being up to speed

Iā€™m kinda in sleepy sheepy mode

Also thread feels villagery right now

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I want Proph to die so that I finally get gratification and also I can recognize if Iā€™m a fucking terrible player or not

this is not a very good reason to kill Proph but I think he should die today regardless