[VFM] Town vs Bandits - Day 5 (4/13) - Bandits Win!

I’m starting to wonder a bit about Alice myself. It mystifies me how she could believe GGhana has any ppl possibility of being town after EoD1 honestly. Or how she thinks if I’m wolf it had to be with Will/Emilia. I can sort of understand the latter honestly given how I am as a wolf, but why exactly those two?

A) The NK was more likely than not a PR hunt so the wolves prolly thought that Chloe/GGhana were informed that the other one was a PR from their play d1.

B) GGhana just clogging the thread arguing for his townread is extremely >>>rand V from him as it points that he actually believes his read and that it is important to his wincon.

C) Like, compare GGhana’s play in Meowtainado to here. The dude has a hard time faking focus and conviction. You can’t really read him on being antitown or protown as he tends to be fairly hit-or-miss.

D) More or less that as a wolf you’re extremely bus happy so for you to just follow the thread onto Will/Emilia is… eh. Thing is with your reaction to GGhana and with Emilia/Will not being W/W, yeah, I’m p sure you’re just uninformed here.

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isnt that what you said you thought too

Yes, but I felt like I fucked up and mishandled it in the thread so one or more wolf probably picked it up.

It honestly wouldn’t surprise me one bit if we had a wolf in the towncore based on how things went at EoD as well as Katze’s death.

who do you think is the person to most likely pick it up as a wolf here?

Out of the players that are not in my towncore?


Like, I don’t think an Eli/You/Will team would ever make that kill as you guys aren’t exactly seasoned PR hunters. No offense, tho.

I’m less certain on this WWA as she’s a far more serious player, tbfh.

SPF and Proph would definitely pick up on how Chloe/GGhana were treating each other as they’re extremely skilled players as either alignment and would most certainly realize that there was something off with their interactions.

Honestly, atp I kind of am sure that there’s like 2~3 wolves in SPF/Proph/WWA/Eli, tbfh.


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She means 48 hours to eat dinner.


werent they both non-PRs tho lol

Starting to see the possibility of Will being v here.

It would have to be a very bad wolf.

you do realize that was a joke right

im not the problem

the people who need to shut up to improve thread state are the problem

The wolves are you, me, and Arctic. Check the wolfchat more.

Chloe was talking about GGhana being fairly TMI-y and still TR’ing him.

Like, those two were bleeding informed PR and anyone experienced player who’d seen their interactions would immediately conclude them to be something like masons.


we were gaysons instead

I’m townreading you in other ways and I’ve honestly been wolf reading GGhana for a while now off and on.

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