[VFM] Town vs Bandits - Day 5 (4/13) - Bandits Win!

meh, we’ll see
i don’t think he even feels awkawrd, really. it’s mainly just the things he’s choosing to make reads on, because without someone like me constantly annoying people to elaborate on things, what he’s given seems to look like low level analysis he can avoid scrutiny for

i take that back

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Stop talking about PRs.

Both of them are informed of the identity of the other, so that’s basically just giving info for the wolves.

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If you think it’s AI, why did you not make the read?

What are your expectations for the game’s first 100 posts?

Vul generally gets more obvious as time goes on, so meh.

you’re not wrong
i just think the things you’re picking up on look more like things wolves will try to pick up on to look productive rather than you really picking up on something

Cuz I didnt think about it that way back then :sob:

Emilia’s probably >rand V as their posts feel fairly natural rather than the sudden analytical-sounding posts they were making in the Desperado game and in PJO, tbfh.

Looks like it’s just her being genuine about her own thoughts rather than trying to impress people.

You’re not going to get any high-level analysis from me in the first 100 posts of the game. The best thing I have is that you and Leafia are town, and that’s not even very high-level.

Maybe. Out of everyone who’s posted so far, though, I think Chloe’s posting was the worst, followed by SPF simply because SPF hasn’t really said anything yet.

To be clear, this is “SPF hasn’t posted anything of substance yet while other people did,” not “SPF’s being useless.”

Also, we already have 110 posts in 50 minutes. …Great.

i’ve been reading through the thread but the formatting of this site is throwing me off a bit, so it might take me a while to adjust. bear with me :stuck_out_tongue:

i actually did get pinged by chloe’s opening posts as well, and that’s because her townread on leafia felt like a reiteration of the townread on leafia that artic had outed a few posts above her. i am doubtful that chloe would have outed her townread on leafia if artic hadn’t outed his own townread on her, and that made me feel like chloe was focusing on blending in with the momentum of the thread instead of trying to build her own conclusions

funnily enough i kinda townread leafia too, and it’s almost entirely because her reaction to chloe getting bandwagoned was internally consistent w/the townread on chloe that she outed in the first few posts of the game. i think it would have been easy for leafia as a wolf to either drop her TR on chloe entirely upon seeing her getting pressured, or to hard defend chloe and TMI her as a villager, but leafia silently just started pushing on one of the people wolfreading chloe without bringing much attention to it

i dont have any other reads yet


Eh, I don’t think that being underwhelming is that AI for SPF in this game since unlike most of us she doesn’t really have that much meta or an idea of everyone’s ranges here. I don’t think she’s played with anyone here but you, me, Chloe, and Arctic and GGhana in anni?

So eh.

Personally, I find Eli and Emilia’s posting to be the worst. Eli because him speaking like that sounds too much like he’s trying to be buddy-buddy with people and get liked so he won’t be scumread as much and I feel that a villager isn’t as concerned about that early on. As for Emilia, it just feels like she’s just sheeping Alice about Chloe.

SPF/Chloe not W/W :joy_cat:

I know SPF busses. That’s a known fact. However, I don’t think SPF would bus here, like this (I know this barely even counts as bussing as W/W, but bear with me).

What do I mean by “like this?” I mean that she’s clearing a villager in the process, when she doesn’t have to do this as a wolf. She could wolfread Chloe without calling someone V off Chloe’s potential red flip right away.

I don’t believe in this very strongly, but it is a thought.

i mean…it’s been less than an hour. it seems far too early to even begin ranking the posts that people are making, but i suspect that your approach is just a playstyle difference thing and not worth splitting hairs over

She’s barely had a chance to post. This is what I wanted to avoid, I can’t call her underwhelming.

This feels like a villagery post. I like it.

Yeah… going against the consensus on Eli’s very >rand V for Leafia, tbfh.


how do you know theyre villa tho