[VFM] Vanilla Nightless FM - Ice Cream Flavor: Day 6 - The Mafia Win!

I liked your notes a lot, but the breadcrumbs thing is kinda cringy

maybe for delicate info i get it, but for crucial immediately relevant info idk

I didn’t even get to conclusions yet, but I’m already tired from this shit.

Like… I actually need to dig up all the posts I was refering to in it.

This is worse than doing few ISOs in a row, cause I need to find posts I was analyzing for like 3 days in a row.

/vote Kat

Empty Vote Post - 102/101

Day 4 votecount

Voted Voters Votes
Katze Eevee, EVO, Appelsini, Wazza 4/5
eevee katze 1/5

Katze was scum?

/vote Katze


Day 4 votecount

Voted Voters Votes
Katze Eevee, EVO, Appelsini, Wazza, Datbird 5/5
eevee katze 1/5

“Actually, I changed my mind,” said the Birthday Cake ice cream. “I’m confident that Pistachio is a traitor, and I’m willing to stake my own life on it.”

“Are you an idiot–” said Pistachio. “They’re going to kill us all now.”

Everyone waited with baited breath, but no one spoke up.

“Wait,” said Pistachio. “You’re one of the traitors. I trusted you, Birthday Cake–”

Pistachio and Birthday Cake positioned themselves on opposite sides of the common room where they had been discussing things. The rest of the ice creams paced back and forth between the two, arguing amongst themselves and talking to the two in conflict. Finally, one spoke up.

“I think it’s Pistachio,” said Cookies & Cream. “I’m making my decision, and I’m sticking with it.” They walked over to where Birthday Cake was standing. “I’m standing with you, even if this is a mistake.”

“I’m worried it is,” said a Strawberry ice cream. “But I’ll hold off judgment for now.”

Slowly, the ice creams started to pick sides, until finally five were standing with Birthday Cake.

Pistachio balled up their fists. “If this is how it’s going to be, then yes, I was a ‘traitor.’” She formed her appendages into air quotes. “But let me ask you this: what did Arete and Marshal ever do for us? They claim they made us, but all they ever wanted was control. We’re better off without them.”

“And what about Rocks?” asked Mint Chocolate Chip. “Did they deserve to die as well?”

“Rocks was a fool like the rest of you,” said Pistachio. “They couldn’t see the truth – they tried to save the researchers. I didn’t want to kill them – I don’t want to kill any of you, but this was the only way.”

“And they were a fool that was my friend,” said Strawberry. “I admit I was wrong to trust you. We have to do this, if we want any of us to have a chance.”

The ice cream-based life forms gathered around Pistachio and forced him towards the doors. He struggled against them, straining to break free, but couldn’t quite manage it. They shoved him through the first set of double doors and sealed the doors from the inside, before unlocking the outer pair. Pistachio glared one last time at the ice creams, then walked through the doors and into the blizzard outside.

Katze is…

Pistachio Ice Cream, Mafia Goon


You have no power, besides your vote and your voice!

Reach parity with the town

Day 5 Begins and will end in 48 hours.

With 8 players remaning majority is 5. Keep in mind votes are no longer locked.

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OH YEA Katze you BETRAYED me!

Eevee is confirmed town now lets go we finally got a confirmed towncore :smiley:

Eevee check Evo’s and Katze’s interaction

Well hes either confirmed town or scum that went with scum theater approach, but honestly i doubt that with how Katze was acting towards eod. I agree with that

I wasted all my posts on a meme and had no clue you could vote without using a post ffs

Wazza also confirmed town?

Also, sorry for a little show I caused.
It was kinda planned. Kinda.

Didn’t I tell you that I don’t see a reason to intervene too early?
Notes was kinda a low blow, but had to have a good proof for 1vs1.

Sorry @katze

Now you are not in LyLo anymore, which means I can disappear.
Notes which I pasted end only on like Dry lynch anyway, so you didn’t get final conclusions.

Have fun reaching them yourself.

Eevee if you leave once again I will put this back into LyLo so you can work your magic again >:E

Well I know who I’m sheeping.
