[VFM] Vanilla Nightless FM - Ice Cream Flavor: Day 6 - The Mafia Win!

get rekt wazza im more town than you


Because I said earlier ā€œlook how uni sulit and evo all want me dead then wazzaā€ now theyā€™re all suddenly sussing each other. I bet they agreed to do it in scumchat.

lol you just have some really weird ideas sometimes

You legit wanted a CFD into me and I never said I suspected you more than Wazza

Vulgard instantly went to deny a derpclear from uni

this does feel like tmi

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Posts like these make me thing thereā€™s a solid thought process behind what theyā€™re doing in thread
But things like this:

where their pov contrasts their earlier one with a pretty weak through line

Most of their questionable votes come from following their townreads, but in those cases those wagons ended up flipping people who were pretty v read

Why did they change their pov to go for the yolo?

Iā€™m starting to doubt that they are actually a new player
Given gamestate, wolf between them and sulit is pretty likely, but likely not both since Appelā€™s plays followed through on their read.
For instance they were veering toward voting eevee because the situation was really fucking weird, but they went onto katze ultimately because of associations with sulit

Did EVO telegraph their vote?
If not, Iā€™d call that initiative pretty damn townie

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katze hardly makes a passing mention in regards to appel in their iso

these are two main posts that actually refer to katzeā€™s stance on appel in any real meaningful way

Itā€™s the ā€œIā€™m going to say they are kinda good but not really and never really address them at any later point and now theyā€™re magically scumā€
Sloppy for sure

I canā€™t quite figure out how to feel about that
It feels unpartnerlike but at the same time they spent a large amount of posts condemning hippo and wazza just to slide appel into their scumreads with absolutely no through line.

Maybe they thought eevee was onto them (as established by a post way back) and tried to shove one of their teammates into the scum bracket?

Appel is definitely at a far different point in thread than katze was
And katze just picked out a mostly insignificant part of a bigger post for reasons
They have talked about everyone in the game, but they focus the least on dat / appel but still have relatively strong opinions when talking about them

Feels like a conflict of motives because Katze would be very likely to communicate that they were pocketing napoleon on their chat and appel votes them anyway.
Weird but Iā€™d think scum would hold up on that more since a town vote working for scum is worth it (and at that point why not push wazza?)

Me and Hippo were pushing greatly on Napoleon and donā€™t forget Nappy voted himself also

To be honest, I feel like scum team either avoided each other or fed off each otherā€™s reads. At this point I think they were going to try and power wolf it and openly state stuff like that to decrease the chances of people actually going off those lines because itā€™s too wolfy to be a wolf type of scenario.

Additionally I was being defended by lots of Towncore Material people (EVO and Appels - EVO wasnā€™t full on defending me but was smart enough to know I shouldnā€™t be lynched)

Vote someone u melons

I did.

Who? If its datunisul Iā€™ll sheep it just to end this day.

you ofc

Ur a dumbass

Iā€™m jokingā€¦

Iā€™ve actually put you on my townleans and Iā€™m voting Uni