[VFM] Vanilla Nightless FM - Ice Cream Flavor: Day 6 - The Mafia Win!

B/c little activity since start of d3, you are null

Little activity doesnā€™t excuse not doing an ISO on why you shouldnā€™t be lynch/why someone else should be lynched over you. If my mother truly wanted to defend herself, she wouldnā€™t be complacent and barely do anything.

Stuffed down the drain by 8 pounds of homework.

I got you now, mother. This is for keeping all the salmon for yourself!

Am I allowed to use out-of-thread evidence here?


Be it supportive of her defense, or her prosecution.

please do not angleshoot

if you are unsure if something is legal please ask the hosts

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what is angleshooting?

You need to clarify what it is because it could be angleshooting

Gathering information through means not approved by the host.

At least thatā€™s how I see it

Iā€™ll ask in my class card then

i think this is a good definition

if there is any doubt about the legality of something please clarify

I would never child

I saw all those salmon you had secretly stashed in the pantry

It wasnā€™t me !!!

/vote sulit

Just on first glance, there was so much shade being thrown on Wazza by katze + them being a D1 wagon, so here goes.

You canā€™t lie to me after the Pistachio Icecream incident. I got you now :smiley:
