[VFM] Vanilla Nightless FM - Ice Cream Flavor: Day 6 - The Mafia Win!

I feel like EVO was much more aggressive as NK in that game, here I see them actually trying to read people and have thoughts that feel villagery. I can’t really describe this read very well, I just don’t see the aggression I saw emanating from them when they were solo wolfing.

Fair read on sulit. Do you think me or Wazza’s alignment changes your read on sulit? Or do you think it’s the same perspective 100% of the time and you two are always villa?

I’m pretty sure you’re villa, so.


What? Can you quote where tf you got that part from?

It was 9 before the vote and it was 9 after the vote. I wrote it correctly.


Tbh this limit thing is dumb. Either way idk what to do.


I’m busy.

Cya tomorrow

Hey, still at work but Imma slip this in:

yeah, Napoleon: a fake pocket on a groupie wouldn’t be too bad an idea, in fact I’m noting it down for future reference ~ but it’s just one of many worlds rn with so little thread substance (also is why early votes = Bad to me rn)
I didnt see sulits meta in virtuous as she was insta confirmed nontown.

You, however, are more active than I recall, and much less afraid to have presence in the thread

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But tbh I know what it’s like to feel hyper aggressive as wolf so you’re not off yet :wink:

Tbh wazza kinda dipped once attention was off him, that should be noted as well

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I have a life?

EVO’s current tone is basically what I mean when I call them villa. I see a stark contrast between this and their wolf game.

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Last time you insta town credited me you were wolf :thinking:

we are looking for a replacement.

@katze @Geyde @Mistyx

fuck it


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katze !!!

I’m assuming this is an in

@katze has replaced @Vulgard

All replacement slots have as many posts left as their previous slot

I’m making u figure out how many posts you have left.

@katze have you read up?

you’re dead to me

vulgard has 28 posts so ill just assume they all count towards the 101… none of them were only votes

not really, i’ll get to that in a few


Wait shoot I forgot about post restriction

It was worth it katze is cool

EVO hasn’t improved in my eyes and I think it’s weird how katzegard was defending them.

DryBones pop in was also odd


2 of them were before the game started and im dumb

so my first post was 27/101

i don’t like having a post restriction with my tendency to shitpost one liners, so time to do what i hated about mafia academy and start with a wallpost (i still hate you geyxy)

time to start reading, and the first posts already intrigue me

katze over analyzes the first 5 posts in the game
the first 5 posts of this game

they’re all wasted posts, which isn’t always a bad thing and its probably something i’m gonna do myself because im a shitposter

but eevees line of questioning seems kind of odd?

other than the third (italicized) question, these are all questions that can easily apply to their own posts, can they not?

what is the point of claiming to be a 1 shot neapolitanian cop?
how does it help the gamestate?
why are you wasting your own posts if they are limited to begin with?
@eevee-sama i’m probably just looking too much into it, but can you explain your questioning here when it very obviously applies to yourself?

gonna do a few ISOs in a bit but my parents need my help with computer stuff so i’ll stop here


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same, shit.

katze seems pure here but I didn’t like vulgard aaaa


since there’s no nightkilling, some of my shenanigans won’t really work here… so i guess this will be a good game to practice my reads on!


would like to actually see you four do something, but since you have not i will rate you by how cool your name is ignore your existence

so i read the entire game, then read the ISO of the 7 remaining players

this is all ordered within tiers, by the way.

katze (i saw their classcard and their flavor of ice cream is probably pretty good)

EVO (i see a pretty large contrast between this game and their NK game in SFoL58; as well as glimpses of their town game in FoL26. im comfortable with this slot right now)
Napoleon (i truly like what i see from napoleon in the solving category and from watching them play virtious i find it much easier to believe this is town indicative of him than him powerwolfing, but time will tell here; if this slot is a W i believe they will slip. there’s some buddying with sulit which is the only reason why napoleon isn’t my top TR.)

Hippo (basically nothing to go off of as of now, but they seem extremely comfortable)
eevee (not very much to go off of right now. true null)
sulit (they seem to be pretty comfortable; but i don’t like how they already feel buddy buddy with me :eyes: but i might be overthinking it.)
Universal (i really don’t like some of the vibes im getting from them. their “townslip” in posts 140/142 are… a thing. will probably skim through their ToS Mafia game later if I have the time and reeval this slot)


Wazza (i truly always scumread wazza. i find it very hard to believe that post #177 and post #260 are genuine. really hope this slot picks up or i’m gonna commit D1 Amelia in Evolution Mafia on it)

@Universal have you played a scumgame on this site that wasn’t ToS Mafia? might help me solve your slot better

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