[VFM] Vanilla Nightless FM - Ice Cream Flavor: Day 6 - The Mafia Win!

5 minutes remain

Geyde is basically confirmed and s very good player. Vote how he is you numbskulls. Vote dat.

Iā€™ve always had that point in the back of my head, however never fully pursued it due to me wanting to look into Evo/Katze ISO and looking at Sulit/Datā€™s ISO with Katze and trying to look into Wazza and Hippo.

The main issue with this is that your first few reads seem to against the regular conscious of a self-conscious player. No one that is even afraid to shade someone will even begin to touch the subject of Katze in such a delicate manner to balance enough scumreading to make you seem suspicious towards that slot, but enough laidback to make you seem like you arenā€™t going after them completely. Also interesting you read Katze but not Sulit who also was pushing the chat. Which I would see this as you simply trying to defend a fellow scummate who was getting suspected on.

Iā€™ve taken into account your response but I still find your reaction and other posts to be alarming in indicating a mafia member.

First of all, itā€™s easy to unvote a wagon you donā€™t even wanna incriminate in the first place. If anything it just shows how easy you are to sway if it means not lynching a fellow scummate. And now that you bring this up, who says Sulit is town? All we had is that majority was voting Sulit despite Geyde, the lock town, not coming and putting his say on the matter. I still scumread sulit, and I am pretty sure others still do too. We just stopped because we wanted to think things through better. Also you would bus your scummates for towncred.

He hasnā€™t even stated why heā€™s voting Dat. He just is.

/vote Appel self pres

Because dats scum its obvious and the reason for voting him is obvious fuxking hell


Voted Voters Votes
DatBird Geyde, appelsiini, Hippolytus 3/5
Appel Sulit, Wazza, Universal, DatBird 4/5
About Wazza

To be honest, I understood pretty quickly that me townreading Wazza like that was suspicious, so I was even more surprised when they suddenly townread me. Not even that, but they continued to townread me up until now even when there was lots of shade thrown on me by Uni.

I also didnā€™t understand them nullreading Dat and me supposedly being more suspicious even though I thought everyone understood why I voted like that, given that I explained them pretty damn many times.

I am sure that Sulit is a wolf, so it could have also been an attempt to save Sulit by Wazza.

Also addition to the Uni one

Literally, why on earth are you in such a hurry to lynch me as Iā€™m trying to provide the best option here which gives everyone more time to analyze the situation. And even proposing an unlikely option that makes both of us town.


@discobot roll 1d2

:game_die: 2

/Vote Appel

I townleaned you. Not townread you, I only townread you when you lynched scum as the 3rd voter.

Shame on you all

shut it immediately


Literally I am in such a hurry because giving chances to scum to talk their way out in a game where we canā€™t mechanically check people is just ruining our chances. In my mind you are mafia

shut shut shut

shut it

flip incoming

1 Like

End of Day 5 Votecount

Voted Voters Votes
DatBird Geyde, appelsiini, Hippolytus 3/5
Appel Sulit, Wazza, Universal, DatBird, EVO 5/5

ā€œI have good news,ā€ said Cookies & Cream. ā€œWhile the rest of you were celebrating, I think I managed to repair some of the damage to the generators.ā€

ā€œThat was kind of stupid,ā€ said Neapolitan. ā€œWhat if youā€™d been attacked while you were away from the rest of us?ā€

ā€œThen it wouldā€™ve been really obvious that whoever else left the group was a traitor,ā€ said Cookies & Cream. ā€œIn any case, theyā€™re not completely fixed, but this should buy us some time.ā€ They sighed. ā€œBut we still have to figure out for certain who it is. I donā€™t think we need to do what we did yesterday today ā€“ we can afford to be wrong here ā€“ but we should still be careful.ā€

Yet as the day wore on, their tempers started to rise.

ā€œYouā€™re a traitor!ā€ shouted one.

Another stomped across the room. ā€œI canā€™t trust any of you!ā€

Their arguments grew more heated, until finally they turned on the youngest member of the group, a chocolate-based specimen, who had spent most of the day sitting in the corner.

ā€œMaybe youā€™re the traitor,ā€ said the Mango ice cream. ā€œYouā€™ve just been sitting there. Do you even care what happens?ā€

ā€œOf course I do,ā€ said the Chocolate ice cream.

The Cookies & Cream ice cream laughed. ā€œWell, you havenā€™t been acting like it.ā€

The ice creams surrounded her and dragged her to the doors, shoving her outside as she protested.

Yet as they saw her step into the blizzard, they realized they had made a mistake, and now they could not afford to make another.

Appelsiini Has been lynched. She wasā€¦

Chocolate Ice Cream, Vanilla Townie


You have no power, besides your vote and your voice!

Eliminate the mafia

Day 6 has started

Post caps have been reset!

With 7 people left, majority is 4


Day Starts now and ends in 48 hours. TImer is here,


you may now post


