[VFM] Vanilla Nightless FM - Ice Cream Flavor: Day 6 - The Mafia Win!

Sorry for not being around a lot, school work ramped up like 200% from last week and I spent like 9ish hours on it yesterday, and I have a ton to do today too. I’m about half way done, but I want to finish before I focus on FM, or else I’ll just never complete it.
If yah need me or want to ask me something just like tag me or smth.


i dont remember where my vote is but i’ll do this for now


im gonna try to fish out who i still townread and evaluate a scumteam/PoE from the remainders


@eevee-sama whats ur plan fam

oh fuck i need to count how many posts ive done

i have 7 posts left so from now on im only going to use them on super useful posts

What does everyone think the most underrated vegetable is?

I think it’s the humble leek. Leek is actually like so so so delicous but no one has it enough and it does not get the credit it deserves. Obviously it is not as universal and does not go into as many things as something like an onion, but the onion is regarded as a super great vegetable by all, where as the leek does not get the credit it deserves.

I’d rank leeks somewhere very close to mushroom in terms of delicousness, but leeks EVERYONE can enjoy where as something like mushroom is a more particular preference. Leek on pizza is actually delicous but no one ever views it as a good topping unlike mushroom and onions.

Obviously in this discussions you have to discount stuff like garlic and potatoes as no one ever really considers them as vegetables.

Thus I present a strong case as to why the leek is the most under-respected and utilized vegetable in the 21st Century.

Official day 3 votecount

Voted Voters Votes
Hippolytus EVO, Wazza 2/6
katze Hippolytus 1/6
Appelsiini Napoleon 1/6

about 4 hours 48 mins remain but exact EoD time can be found in today’s SoD post.

and remember that blank votes do not count towards post limit.

(also ping me if moderrinos)

thank you hippolytus very cool

nerd @Marshal


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im not counting this towards my post limit heck you

because of this i am counting this towards your post limit


(/s ur fine)

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I’ve tried to look at the earlier posts to form some kind of a scumteam, but I’m not getting anywhere. Not regarding the high posters anyway.

Also, as much as Nap pushed me, I find it very doubtful that a wolf would post things like this. Or is this some kind of next-level thing a new player wouldn’t realize to deem as unimportant?


This is a bad post tbh

/vote appelsini very hedgey. I trust him…or is thist just cuz im new??? Very safe. Bad.

People have suspected Nap, and I don’t see why they overlook those kinds of posts in favor of backtracking that could be explained. I do trust him. But I’d also like to get advice if there is some key points that I’m not seeing, most likely because I’m still new and not too used to complicated tactics.

@hippo you have 4 posts left if that 7 count was accurate

and eod is in 4 and a half hours

:thinking: what are you hoping to achieve by throwing them away


It’s possible to make good reads as wolf and just omitt the stuff that incriminates you

I guess. All in all, I’m not really confident in my reads right now. Eevee is playing an all-knowing mastermind and “leaving hints so that new players can learn to make reads” but I can’t figure things out. I’ll probably be here and lurk until I’m mentioned or until I find something actually important to say.

I wouldn’t trust everything everyone says in these kinds of games.

Still consider it, though