[VFM] Vanilla Nightless FM - Ice Cream Flavor: Day 6 - The Mafia Win!

universal about to drop a bomb af wallpost by now

well ill start with why your D1 was so good in my eyes


thereā€™s more than just these posts but i truly donā€™t see a world where scum!Nappy has such loud stances THAT early. i donā€™t think even a powerwolf would do this so confidently so early

Napleons D3

The good


(notably, you seem a bit annoyed that eevee isnā€™t outting their info. but this might be fakable /shrug)
youā€™re also one of the few people putting effort into solving eevees ā€˜riddlesā€™


actually fuck i really dont think you can ever post this as scum


why did i think your D3 was bad again

although that last line idk, it seems kinda pointless

The less good

the thing is, you yourself acknowledge how much info we get from a Wazza lynch

i still dont like this post, i donā€™t know why. even after you explained it, something ticks me about it

ā€œhaha i cant be wolf cause thatā€™d be a bad wolf playā€


yeah honestly this slot is just town or this is your best god damn wolf performance ever

@discobot rand 1d12

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

@discobot display help

I currently know how to do the following things:

@discobot start {name-of-tutorial}

Starts an interactive tutorial. {name-of-tutorial} can be one of: tutorial, advanced tutorial.

@discobot roll 2d6

:game_die: 3, 6

@discobot quote

:left_speech_bubble: A single conversation across the table with a wise person is worth a months study of books. ā€” Chinese Proverb

@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: You may rely on it

@discobot roll 1d12

:game_die: 7

Seems good wagon.

Myself. Thanks disco.

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/vote eevee

sorry, just listening to the bot

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Actually that was the plan. At least it unifies the votes and you can see who votes, soā€¦ go ahead.

Except it probably solves nothing, cause my interactions suck tbh.
I donā€™t think anyone has ANY opinion on me other than null/tentative whatever.

i think some people think youā€™re just a slank wolf?

youā€™re comfy in my townleans though


Yeah, I saw them and pondered, but Iā€™m not wasting anymore time on condescending breadcrumbs

Also, @katze, @eevee-sama me and Wazza put Nappy under pressure and he snapped very quickly and made some distinct reactions (even though there was no real threat of him being lynched, so it doesnt make sense for self preservation as town); do you think this is normal for town!nappy ?

the way i see eevee is basically identical to how i saw marshal in mountainous 15er before i locktowned him

i donā€™t have a strong enough opinion to lynch eevee and if heā€™s scum heā€™s probably the last one i want lynched

also this is my 69th post im p sure so nice

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Iā€™m on mobile but Iā€™ll explain

Atm I thought that a wolf Wazza almost certainly meant a wolf Appels due to votes. I found Appels more scummy at the time so I thought they would be a better Lynchā€™s bd could actually be a hint towards a Wazza alignment

I canā€™t really help you out if you donā€™t like the second post. But I can reassure you that you were probably the last on my list

For the third post let me actually tell you something. I play very consciously Iā€™ve noticed, as scum especially, but as town too. Iā€™ve tried to avoid saying scummy things as town despite my urge to say it. But yeah I didnā€™t really care what I said here because I want to open myself up and not be scumread for saying similar things in the future. However, my point stands, people are accusing me as a powerwolf, but they havenā€™t had a clear agenda as to what Iā€™m trying to pursue. Iā€™ve shown them some possible opportunities that a wolf Nappy could have went for and being scumread for doing the opposite disgusts me (especially from Wazza - too bad you canā€™t post anymore though :confused:)

Also EVO the reason I think Iā€™m tunnel vision ig your posts is bc I donā€™t think ur wolf

Anyways I needs conserve my Posts so Iā€™ll only talk about important things now

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i dont like his reactions which is why i took him out of my towncore

but given weā€™re in a situation where weā€™re in MyLyLo (is that a thing? idk, but it sounds fun) him knowing heā€™s town (and being widely townread) and being pressured isā€¦ probably weird to him

if heā€™s invested into this game as town then i can see his reactions being more frustrated than normal since weā€™re in a more tense gamestate than, say, D1 or D2


Was this seriously your plan?

Yeah, the fact that he hasnā€™t cooled down about it all day since we started makes him seem more towny to me
