[VFM] Vanilla Nightless FM - Ice Cream Flavor: Day 6 - The Mafia Win!

VC here

Voted Voters Votes
Napoleon evo, Appelsiini, Universal, Nap 4/6
Universal Hippolytus 1/6
Hippo katze 1/6

Too late

Wait what?

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I didn’t set up any automatic lock. Much less it would be noticed it’s off if I made it 56 minutes ago.


(apologies for all of that, we have it sorted out. Game continues as normal)

End of day VC

Voted Voters Votes
Napoleon evo, Appelsiini, Universal, Nap 4/6
Universal Hippolytus 1/6
Hippo katze, eevee 2/6

After what had just happened, the experimental ice-cream-based life forms decided to take their full time to decide who to exile, rather than rushing into a decision. They were short on time, yes, but not so short on time as to make it worth spending a mere three hours deciding someone’s fate. Still, they arrived to the end of the day still uncertain about who they wanted to eliminate.

“This feels hopeless,” said the Pistachio ice cream. “We’ve spent two days trying to find the culprits, and yet we’re no closer than we were before. We’ve killed two innocent people already. One more and we’ll have matched the body count of the traitors.”

“I mean, Butter Pecan more-or-less killed himself,” said the Cookies & Cream ice cream. “No one told him to go throw himself outside, he did that himself.”

“So what should we do today, then?” asked Vanilla.

“I think we should take a look at you ,” said Cookies & Cream. “You’ve been acting suspicious since the murders happened, and yet we keep banishing people just because they aren’t being helpful enough.”

“I swear I’m innocent,” said Vanilla. “Please – if you kill me now, I don’t see us ever managing to find the traitors --”

“I don’t want to do this,” said Strawberry. “But – I don’t know what else to do, and what Cookies & Cream is saying makes sense…”

“Please, no–” said Vanilla.

The ice creams grabbed Vanliia and started to force them towards the doors. Vanilla struggled to resist for a moment, before going limp in their arms. They brought him to the double doors and forced them through the first set. Vanilla sat curled up in a ball in the space between the two pairs of doors for several minutes, before finally standing up on shaky legs and walking through the doors into the blizzard outside.

“So what do we do now?” asked Mango. “We keep killing innocent people, and yet we’re still no closer to finding them. And if we don’t manage to kill a traitor today, they’ll overwhelm us.”

“We need to be decisive,” said Birthday Cake. “This is the most important decision we can make. We need to be absolutely certain of it. No more changing our minds. Once we’ve cast a vote, we should commit to it.”

The rest of the ice creams nodded in agreement, and they began what might be their final deliberations.

Flavor by arete

Napoleon has been lynched! He was…

Vanilla Ice Cream, Vanilla Townie


You have no power, besides your vote and your voice!

Eliminate the mafia

Day 4 has started. Game is in LyLo.


With 9 players alive, majority is 5.

Day ends in 48 hours, timer coming soon™


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I forgot I’m Nappy so I’m also town.

No but seriously.


Just kill me already, it’s simple I’m the only choice here and we’re basically guaranteed to lose.

its wazza lmao

postcounts have also been reset

yadda yadda

you know the drill

napoleon was

actually the most blatant town in this game

@EVO @Appelsiini @Universal @Wazza (you unvoted last second) what the fuck

please explain your votes

im v tempted to just yolo vote waz and see what happens

I unvoted last second because he fucking voted himself.

I didn’t want another DryBones situation at that point.

What I want to know is @Hippolytus why the fuck did you vote Uni?

this is entirely my fault lol i shouldnt have defended him cuz i thought he was alone in thread

Don’t do that, I think you forget how we’re against 4 scum and if you’re Town, they can all just hop on me and boom we lose because you’re a moron.

You’ve said that about everyone at this point.