Virtuous Setup Balance Talk

My favorites are Rebel, Insurgent, and Alch

FoL games typically end quicker and poacher with three bears and retribution along with day wolf is kinda a bit strong imo


also putting faction chooser alch in the setup I’m working on :eyes:


It’s so great
I hope it rolls somewhere someday

it wouldn’t be too hard to signal though especially since the jailor knows they are converted

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oh uh also make marshal death immune n1

and not the class

see you say this but LW-signals don’t usually work well in practice

Pretty sure you got haemophiliaed anyway

nah i was killed by just the HoB right?

No the Demon killed you

it worked marvelously between Arete and HoB this game lol
she sided with them and identified all of them based on this signal that no town was able to understand

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I mean something as simple as spamming likes does the trick… that’s what I did with Arete

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Though their signals were somewhat obvious

nah HoB killed marshal n1
demon’s N1 action failed completely even though hemophilia was active

How did it fail

‘hello yes @scum please read this specific post where I claimed neut’

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because lolStrigoi

Or be me and tinfoil that you’re arbiter :eyes:

Demon targeted arete who healed themself. Hemophilia bypasses DI but not healing
Italy tried to heal Arete but got bitten by Arete so he was occupied and thus never actually tried to visit Arete. No one else tried to visit arete


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