Want to design a game but would like help


I’ve got some more free time now and have decided I’d like to design a SFM or mash now, but I’m requesting help. I’m going to do something fire emblem, either from one of the older continents or from three houses which im getting on launch in four days. I’m familiar with lore but have no idea how to do anything right mechanically. If any current host would ever be willing to mentor/help co-design something with me, that would be appreciated, thanks.


Personal pressure works better

I can’t, because I’m busy with other things unfortunately.

You can also start and see where it gets, because it gets reviewed anyways, so any changes could be done then. :slight_smile:

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Id be willing to help, since I love me some fire emblem (Blue Lions btw), not the greatest at designing these since I havent really finished the one I have slowly working on, but if u need ideas, a fresh set of eyes, or maybe some more help on it I can certainly try my best, to help ya


Thank you so much! I’ll definitely hit you up via DM pretty soon.

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I’m so ready for a Maxwell/Birdo host teamup. :wink:

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