Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

stealth why do you scumread me

You’re the only one considering a world where I’m telling the truth. I don’t think a wolf would do that.

I’d be honored if you did. I love the idea. :slight_smile:

it feels like the only reason you do is because I post a lot and every single thing is an after thought to make your case seem better

as far as I can tell this is the first post that actually shows your scumread on me

and it’s literally based off of a misunderstanding that I cleared up

so what gives

I think that’s the reason why your tunnel feels fake

like unlike Eli’s there’s no trigger that makes reasonable sense

it’s just based off of hot air

In fact, I have a little bet for you Marshal. Whichever of us flips Leafpool gets to choose a new title for the other to have for the next week.



additionally you’ve never explained why I’m actually wolfy

literally the only explanation you can give is “I’m posting a lot so I’m powerwolfing”

that’s it as far as I can see unless I’ve missed something

except for that dumb “hurr DURR leafia never mentioned gghana ergo gghana wolf?1?1?1?1?1??1” which only makes sense if you haven’t read leafia’s iso and don’t have a brain

also I hate PKR’s “oh woe is me I defended leafia” attitude a lot

Kinda at the point where it would make a teeny bit of sense for lefia to be town here but the odds are in our favor for killing her and we get SOOOO much out of it even if she’s town that I’m still not moving my vote

its not enforcable

but i’ll take the bet

it’s on our honor

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why am I a wolf

Feud with me coward

Good. I have the perfect title in mind for you. Leafia’s pet.

im gonna figure out how many joycats i can fit in a title and give it to you

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Sounds good to me.

marshal everyone here except for you and Arctic is annoying

I’m completely blinded by omgus can you just say that stealth’s tunnel is bullshit

It isn’t bs at all. Your and Marshal’s tunnelme however, is. on