Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

I’m not going to let some idiots/obvious wolves spew bs about me being mafia without even trying to defend myself.

I had assumed thread had just decided to kill the obvious wolf who I baited into claiming my role but :flushed::flushed::flushed::flushed:


I haven’t read stuff but if I’m at l-3 or 2 or 1 get off

I’ll catch up later
Don’t kill me

You’re being voted by like 3 or 4 people

Fine. You’re a wolf then because that’s what this claim will become when I flip Jailkeeper. A wolf claim.

Leafia we get it now die peacefully

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You mean my role. Please stop with this stupidity now unless you literally have a deathwish.

If you’re town you’ve caught two wolves at least with this so chill and just perish

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i don’t think these two things can be reconciled

marshal I’m the jailkeeper

Jesus Christ how is this hard to get

leafias just a wolf

shut up gay ghana i’m the jailkeeper

I will as soon as people stop calling me wolf. I should be obvious town by this point really. I have no idea why any sane villager with even a single functioning brain cell could possibly believe I’m lying about being jailkeeper because I softed it so much even before claiming it. I literally outed that I was a PR by how I was acting there if you think about it. I thought town would be smart enough to realize that but I thought wrong.

Also @marshal even if wolves RB me it’s fine since it’s an rb not used on the parity cop

I’m hard claiming neighborizer and will never rescind, this role is only good for wolves

wazza is the jailkeeper

I like that thought and Thanks for cheering me up a bit Marl.

your mom is the jailkeeper

which mafia role is leafia

Yeah, the wolves have really convinced everyone that the obvious jailkeeper is a wolf here so I’ll just speed things up a bit. Feel free to hammer me any time. The sooner it happens the sooner I get to enjoy the suffering of everyone who made me suffer today.

/vote Leafia

D2 will make today worth it for me. I’m so excited for it.

I can’t wait for wolves to not kill me this entire game and I’ll end game as an actual power role