Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

you always do shit like this as mafia

I literally never do exactly this kind if thing as mafia.

you in fact


obviously every game is different but there seems to be a correlation between you randing mafia and self-detonating

This is also my first time doing this kind of thing in this type of game and my first time being a PR for this type of game.

it’s my first time too
who should i jailkeep

You’re being very stupid here and not bothering to think.


Wrong. Never.

I’m jailkeeping her too

wifom is fun

You’re not the jailkeeper because I am. Just hammer me and get this travesty over with.

so stealthbomber then
got it

It was looking promising that town would actually be smart and not execute the actual jailkeeper D1, but I guess not due to GGhana’s cc. Town, remember D2 that GGhana is the reason you no longer have a jailkeeper.

no I’m jailkeeping him tonight

Would you please stop with this stupidity already?

People certainly are going to feel dumb when I flip jailkeeper.


Then you’ll certainly stop it D2 at least. No one will want to claim jailkeeper then. I look forward to it.

448 posts?
that’s less than i expected