Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

nah. i just dont put much value in meta reads of games where i dont know any of the players including the ones making the read.

the problem isnt that you made the read. the problem is that the read is a meta read and i dont have the time or patience to do my research and arrive at my own conclusion.

me and Arctic share the exact same read but you think Iā€™m a wolf so my read his wrong but his is correct?

On the same slot?


rich coming from the person whoā€™s made a soul read on a slot heā€™s never played with but ok

where did i say arctics read was correct

I thought this implied it

I mean the fact that itā€™s good when Arctic does it but not when I still do it is bullshit but whatever

also you canā€™t say someone has a viable reason for scumreading someone and say the read is incorrect

you canā€™t have both

gghana you have done nothing but try to continually discredit me all game. im not interested in interaction with you anymore. good day.

reread the post. i said ā€œVISIBLEā€. not ā€œVIABLEā€.

this is literally what youā€™ve been trying to do all game














you canā€™t say someone has a valid scumread and then not agree with it

holy shit



yeah Iā€™m done with this

youā€™re just like Eli

youā€™re blatently arguing in bad faith no matter youā€™re alignment

whatever Iā€™m taking another thread break

this game is infuriating

I hate my ducking phone

just because someone HAS a reason and has shown their thought process doesnā€™t mean itā€™s a good reason.

keep your poor play up tho my case will bring it all forward.

what if people who know emiliaā€™s meta were able to agree or disagree

Also yesterday was my bd so I didnt put in much effort

it wasnā€™t your birthday for two days
you did nothing in both

u ppl quickhammered

how is that relevant

emilia you had 0 reads d1 yet the same number of posts you had D1 in FAM where you gave a bunch of reads

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