Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!


I’ll reiso them


The way arctic completely coasted to a leafia yeet and is now completely coasting to a me yeet is exactly how a wolf in his position would play it

He doesn’t have to do anything as wolf and still doesnt have to do anything

hes ignoring me cuz he thinks im wolf but he also thinks im lw
so where tf is he after my flip. Nowhere, right?

so why isn’t he reaching into solving other slots much
cuz hes really
just not doing a ton

you said you believed my reason for being deflated
now it’s only been worsened

no i’m entirely confident that you are lw
but you’re right it doesn’t really change much about the gamestate

you really don’t have to have an IQ above 30 to realize that marshal’s push on me is in bad faith
it came out of nowhere and he was v reading me towards the end of the day i’m pretty sure

i just didn’t think i’d need to point it out


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I get scumreading people but can we respect their pronouns and shit even if you think they’re a wolf

Arctic’s play is not making reads

he doesnt provide reads

look at his ISO this game phase
he’s posting
he’s solving

but it’s all responding to thread
its not providing thoughts on people’s alignments

im sure it was an accident

I know

just remembering day 1 and that clownshow

no one has done more than me today other than sulit probably

i didn’t do it deliberately

and that changes my point because…?






this probably contains the last few wolves

you’re pushing me for a point that applies to pretty much the entire player list

I just don’t feel like marshal is a wolf

the god read isn’t going away

I have no idea how to actually defend her but it’s just

I don’t feel like she’s a wolf

gghana are you openwolfing

are you?


/vote arctic

I still believe in her

my queen