Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

you seriously need to snap the fuck out of it


dont defend me lol, its not worth, youā€™re going to end up pissed as every player accuses you of being openwolf defending me and ignoring ā€˜obvwolfmarshalā€™

Trust me gghana ive taken the blackpill i know im dying

just turbo arco when i die, his posting is suuuuuuuuuuper caughtwolfy rn, ur totally fine


my queen

Sometimes you need to sacrifice the queen to improve your position

id genuinely be willing to listen to marissa if she hadnā€™t posted this

ok but why would marshal post that

and then act like sheā€™s doing now

it doesnā€™t make sense


One second

its a joke, i joke as either alignment, i thought leafia was garunteed w flip from all ccs lol


tbh itā€™s kind of unfair to wolves that marl got tracked

like imagine being a wolf and defending marl d1 a ton while making a joint plan to miseliminate chloe and then pulling it off (a big feat, sheā€™s really good at the game and one of our biggest threats) and have him more or less be a consensus villager only for somebody you were planning to miselim turning out to be tracker with a red on marl. This is totally hypothetical btw but if I were hypothetically a wolf in this situation I would find it really unfair that TWICE IN A ROW I GOT FUCKING BUTTON CLICKED mechanically taking a very winning position into a tougher one. Itā€™d absolutely ruin my hypothetical day.

therefore we should kill min to make it more fair

that was all hypothetical btw


if youā€™re town then sheā€™s acting like she is now because youā€™re pocketed and she thinks she has a chance of surviving

yes i openwolfed in that one mafia game, you got me and you win!

im literally asking to die

no thereā€™s a mismatch in play styles here

if marshal was actually the lost wolf

sheā€™d basically be trying to get quickhammered

if you get my drift

the funny thing is that arctic probably thinks im lw

you will get your wish

Iā€™ve taken the red pill

marshal v