Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

I invite people to take a look at pkr tbh



good question
probably gghana
basically the point im trying to make is i want to kill gghana next


Still think PKR pretty towny unless LW


good for you buddy. You want an award?

I said the words but i explained why i said them, it was from the context of a town jailkeeper, to make it look like i was confident with TMI. if you dont buy it then sure, your prob

but dont act like this is a righteous mission that i called for upon myself cuz im gonna genuinely lose it if you keep doing that

Maybe I relook when I feel like it

Youā€™re not killing gghana ever this game

Hes completely and fully vetod

stealth and sam

you :flushed:

actually not sure about this one

myself because Iā€™d be sad

marshal do you give me permission to cyberbully eli this game if he successfully gets me killed

Im still not fully convinced on stealth scum

iā€™m sorry, please say what you mean next time.
itā€™s infurating, if hypthoetically you are V, to see you say ā€œkill me if leafia is jailkeeperā€ > leafia jailkeeper > ā€œalright haha guys i was just jokingā€

if he fucking mls you im gonna die inside permanently


/vote emilia tbh

asserting dominance over the wolves by chain yeeting villages

an odd strategy but it may work

Letā€™s just kill town for the wolves

weā€™ll have reached shortnight 2 of ineptitude tbh

it wasnā€™t a joke

I literally said that i did it to look like jailkeeper, then i rescinded later, and explained that. It was a gambit, it was confident and -EV but the blanket statements were not what they appeared

thatā€™s exactly how it feels to me

So that they dont kill us