Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

I was so tilted when they killed sulit

is chloe a sub this game? maybe town can go full pepega

I mean I am still a villager

so I’m sorry eli you are getting cyberbullied if you kill me

but she said it wasn’t tho

I have pepega button next to me, if you need it.

Among us fortnite balls

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thats illegal

/vote min

can i parity cop hunt in thread or is that illegal

lets go

it has the same effect on me as saying that as a joke and not communicating it clearly that it was a joke

okay but my reasons to scumread you are legit

I mean you can’t look any worse so go wild I guess

Do it

I will have no doubt about you being wolf then

actually wait if i were lw i’d totally just parity cop hunt openly that’d be way more based

bruh moment
u want to hammer the parity cop next? hmmm?

I’m a fucking villager

no they’re not

by definition theyre not

i do, i have my cc prepared

i don’t think that’s how that works


quick hammer marsha before they can parity cop hunt

you do realize we are supposed to be wolf hunting right

Do not pr hunt plz