Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

u literally gave a lot of reads comparitive to here, like you had multiple posts going into thoughts on alignments d1 and afterwards but here u dont

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thats not true I did make reads this game

relatively similar amount to here

yeh this feels partnery good job team we got 2


also tell me

what was the reason I got lynched in f.a.m

orange and kat powerwolfing prob

im gonna shower

I claim the pelt

No it was the same reason that u gave here

the nice thing is I can actually claim it because that wall was caused by me voting emilia

/vote stealth @thepigeonnyc

haha jk

/vote stealth



haha joking ya’ll bad

/vote marsha


This looks good tho ngl

I think I’ll put marshal at l-1 so I’ll just keep my vote on stealth to make him mad

Marl is looking kinda wolfy through his ISO ngl

the thing is I’m gradually starting to care about this game less and less

and that makes me want to sheep marshal more

U have almost 1k posts wtf