Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

and afaik gghana has never been pocketed by me either so your assertion is pretty pepega

if we kill marshal then I see no reason for me to continue playing because shes the only reason this game is actually tolerable

because itā€™s really hard to distinguish

gghana could just as easily buddy up with you as a partner and i doubt iā€™d be able to tell the difference


Arctic: Iā€™m not shading gghana if you flip v

Arctic: shades gghana in case marshal flips v

i just explained why i mentioned the other possibility and why itā€™s hard to tell whether you could be partnered with marshal or not

i havenā€™t actually said i believe you are

maybe if you didnā€™t want me to get pocketed by marshal you all shouldnā€™t be so annoying

Iā€™m sure you totally wonā€™t start screeching that I pocketed marshal for no reason after I die

Iā€™m sure of it

if marshal flips villager i doubt i would go after you

problem is they arenā€™t flipping villager

still then i donā€™t know if youā€™d actually do this stuff as a wolf with them

thank you for putting it in writing anyways

how bout you read my ISO and determine that for yourself

1038 posts in topic

why Is like half of the player list this game allergic to fact checking

like why have none of your takes evolved for 24 hours

My ISO is like assigned summer reading

you have to read it if you donā€™t want to fail

like the ironic thing is that if you people werenā€™t so annoying I probably would only have like 600 posts

you all just annoy me and I post a bunch and then you use it as further ammunition



sulit can u
solve the game for me


ive got 5 villagers you guys figure out the rest :expressionless: