Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

quickhammer me tomorrow so I don’t have to play with you people anymore and so you have 48 hours to think about what you’ve done

day ends today



I meant day 3

I wasn’t talking to you

Oh the irony
@actualparitycop DO NOT CC THIS. Hopefully you’rr smart enough.

Because you flood the thread so fucking much its actually a pain to, even though its only d2

/vote marshal

Can we please just get this over with

/vote cheese


Cheese Arctic Stealth

Ship it and clip it

If ur gonna make several consecutive posts of you just insulting everyone leaving the thread is literally more helpful at this point

This game is blatantly unbearable to play in because everyone decided to let their cereal get pissed in I swear I’ve never been in a more edgy cringe game since like almost a year ago


I think that sulit GGhana Eli Min all confident villager ppls

Sam is sorta there, in the middle but hard to justify

PKR prob in similar tier as sam, his stuff is gambitty but sorta hard to think is wolf

Emilia is honestly super weird asf, i would hate to just give it up to w!her and be wrong but I also get the feeling that she’s arguing from a PoV that she considers to be correct which is making me reconsider entirely

Night can be mafia, nothing points me elsewhere bbtbh
Arctic Cheese Stealth in similar boat





mmmmm piss flakes

Like no offense ghana but you cannot complain about people not having updated takes when most of the thread is you arguing with people over the smallest shit. Or you talking about how much everyone else sucks Literally barely anyone of note has actually done anything and I’m sick of literally being insulted for NO goddamn reason do you seriously think I want to read like 5 posts talking about how annoying everyone is and how everyone is dumb and cant play

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I legitimately do not know who this could be applying to

this could apply to like at least 4 different people (including me)



It outright just makes me feel like shit

you aren’t annoying

you are innocent in this game

you are like Sulit and pkr

sorry I should’ve been more clear

when I say everyone I mean everyone except you, Sulit and pkr

I’m sorry

say i’m just right about these 4 having all packs
whos villaging and/or not pack in here

Night/Cheese/Arctic maybe? All of them are pushing emilia whereas stealth really isnt
This team could def be going for a chain of me → emilia into lylo