Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

asking things like “why would they do something so stupid as scum?” is an invalid argument because you’re thinking they could be town, which means that what they did can make sense as scum

since it doesn’t even make you want to kill them for it

by this i mean, if you don’t think they’re automatically a wolf and you think they can be town, then you’ve answered the question yourself


Okay hello

my “worst play” is ccing temporarily and then rescinding, changing nothing about how leafia was read. All it did was mess up thread for a few hours.

I had a wrong read but it was not “worst play ever” tier, it’s not even close to game losing, and plenty of other people also had that wrong read

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You’re acting like I never rescinded and pushed for leafia to die on the basis of me being jailkeeper

I did that temporarily, to cover for real jailkeeper, and then took it back because it wasn’t really feeling right. It made a slot mildly harder to read, but everyone was going to kill leafia regardless of what I did, and the cc’s of other people were not in my control.

The quickhammer gave us less time to dick around but leafia kill was set in stone. I had a confident read on a slot and incorrectly pushed it. I am not literally satan because of it

Fuck my brain keeps telling me marsh town AAAAAAAAA

Fyi if ur wolf you really are good at convincing

the reason im regarded as one of the best players is not for how my posting helps town out, its because i’ve managed to get good reads with experience. I was confident and wrong, not great, but stop acting like what I did was the ‘worst play on the site’ or whatever, people have done a lot worse than tunnel someone that others also considered wolfy, even if she was a pr.

You have genuinely done so much and that’s kinds exactly why I am beginning to townread you fuck

You’re calling me an openwolf when im fucking not, you’re saying my play was so far beyond the realm of what town me could do, you’re saying it’s fair to not even consider me as town because my play was ‘so bad’

what ive done isnt far out of my village range, its fair to think im wolf because I have a large wolfrange and espec lostwolf because im a common n1 kill so i would 1f1 (I’d have played today differently if lw but thats selfmeta so whatever)

so im not mad at being wolfread, im rlly not, i made the choice with how i tunneled but stop acting like im an openwolf who actively made the worst possible play, it’s annoying and misrepresentative

no, you counterclaimed so that leafia would die and then rescinded when you didn’t need to push for her death

as soon as people started thinking leafia could be town, you claimed again

you even said you did this yourself

That was a lie to look like jailkeeper, i had in fact read every cc and lied about it, trying to make my own cc look like an independant reaction to marl’s posts because i thought she was lock w because of the cc’s on her and I wanted to throw myself back into that pool.

I then fake rescinded to look like jailkeeper trying to drop out of it. But at the time of my 2nd claim and rescind she was already locked into dying

You’re ascribing motives to me from the preconceived notion that i’m wolf

“You counterclaimed for the purpose of killing leafia” isn’t true, you’re saying it is from the perspective that im wolf but you’re using it to evidence that i’m wolf, it’s a baseless claim that uses words from my own mindset to say that im mafia while providing no substance

what does this mean

what did you do it for then

If you read any of my posts you’d see i did it to stop the real jailkeeper from counterclaiming, something i’ve said upwards of 3 times

i said it 14 minutes ago dude

no you didn’t

you pushed her for to claim so you could cc her
you said this yourself

I said that when i was claiming jailkeeper

it was a lie to look like jailkeeper

I also said “I am the jailkeeper” but that’s proven a lie so lets just kill me