Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

Why not? Wolves don’t have tmi on the lw if I’m not mistaken, so any non-pack elim should have indications of a mislynch
Sorry for disappearing, signal decided to cut out

I can’t tell if this is being stupid or asking why I’m not thinking that they’re pack wolf

that’s why i’m saying they’re LW

they’ll be treating this the same way as they’d be treating an ML

The latter?

None of what you said makes sense unless you assume that wolves are incapable of bussing.

Ok well I’m not talking about Marissa at the moment
It’s quite obvious that she’s dying today so there’s no point, to me, in focusing on it anymore
I am looking at other slots’ treatment of it, and right now I’m looking at night saying “oh I don’t feel like it’s a ml”

to be honest, i kind of see what you mean

but on the other hand, what exactly are the wolves going to do about it if marshal is a pack wolf

they’ve most likely decided that it would be too risky to try and defend marshal

“sleepwalking into an ML”
like the appelsiini vote in Anni

I already explained why I don’t think Marissa is a pack wolf, which basically boils down to 1. This player list is too weak for her to have enough confidence in her teammates to continue on without her 2. She enjoys being better than people and 3. Her teammates would get no cred for flipping her and antispew would be particularly ineffective

I see those reasons but
those are like
psychological reasons
and i concretely think that she would post differently as a villager?

How do you think she would be posting and why

I see that, but also hammering the real jk helps wolves a lot here regradless. So they could’ve gone just for that. Especially if it was a moment decision they made in window that hammering was plausible.

im tired of explaining this over and over again
you can look in my ISO or I’ll link it when I get back

Also what the hell does this even mean
“Those are like
psychological reasons”

I’m :eyes: reading people???

The hammer itself is practically negligible
It was less than two minutes before EoD

it was 24 hours before EoD

I agree with Arctic though that the post that hammered was :wowee:

i guess like
“marshal would be less inclined to make these particular hypothetical decisions as a wolf”
“marshal’s read on Emilia really feels like she determined that she was going to read the slot v before looking at any posts, and she definitely would do that as a villager”


I might be slightly stupid
Like five different people were okay with hammering