Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

i just think that marshal was probably checked n1 and night was probably checked n2
these were both the objectively wolfiest people at the respective eod’s

moving onto the next topic

What happens when Night flips then?
If I’m thinking Night flips town, like they will.

We just keep going through PoE?
Despite the fact this has been our mistake many times already?

i mean
the poe is completely different so you can’t use that argument

the poe with marshal being wolf was marshal/gghana/emilia

we can’t just keep going through the poe if night flips town
we actually have to erase our reads and reevaluate everyone because one more ML and the game is over
and we can’t just no-yeet because the wolves win in that case

If they flip wolf, then sure, we burn through, maybe hit some, maybe miss some.

If they flip villager, we’re going to keep going through? Or do we stop and re-eval?
What slots are even ‘up for contention’ at this point?

ok never mind the poe already got reevaluated lol

You can’t just say
“oh we’ve been wrong so we’ll be wrong about this too”
despite the fact that we’ve completely changed the poe

if we miss then obviously we re-eval since it’s lylo but if nightingale is town we’ve probably lost tbh

And look how much it changed, now I’m in there, the person who’s been suspected of LW for a fuck ton of time.

Fat lot of good the shitty PoE re-eval has gotten us thus far.

you know, i can’t tell if the wolves are playing really well or if the town is playing really poorly
maybe it’s a combination
i want to see people not losing their wim, though, if we actually want a chance at winning this game

so if you’re a villager
why did you not care about being suspected as lw but you care that people are now suspecting you as pack wolf

honestly i forgot you were suspected of being lw lol

you’re acting like a pack wolf caught for the wrong reasons

this makes sense because pack wolf pkr could be thinking that he’ll just get cleared after a lw flips

if PKR’s a pack wolf does that mean night is town? :sweat_smile:

Probably because they’re 2 different things?

LWs aren’t really concentrated on so I could still do my things and could show yall I was good throughout the game.

Now as a suspected pack wolf, first of all, I’m pissed due to the progression being BS’y from me being ‘almost never pack wolf’ to now not being lost wolf. And yall know how I deal with pressure.

I’m just going to break and then everyone’s going to focus on me and I’ll feel like shit.

anyway ill be back later

i’m gonna look at this later

i don’t even know if/when people said this, but i’ve never held the opinion that you could never be pack wolf