Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

gghana’s bout to say
“4 man poe? got some guts”
despite the fact

the comment was mostly addressed to nuclear

I’d still like Windward to respond to my post about Panda/GG

gonna take that as an answer to my question, good enough i guess

yes, there’s a chance there’s all the wolfs in that group of players
yes, there’s a chance there isn’t
this doesn’t mean anything though

where? i thought i asked you about them

nuclear’s been a salt mine this entire game for basically no reason

i’d like to think you’re the one who ignored the actual content because it didn’t fit with your narrative
we’re probably both guilty of it

have you
read the thread


ok so what are you doing that’s productive

you haven’t read the thread so you can’t help us solve the game and you’re also refusing to explain why you’re town despite being in the poe

it’s more like a CFTWR salt mine than anything else from what i see right here and right now

I mean I misunderstood one of his posts and I said “I don’t trust you because you subbed into a wolfy slot” and then he fucking exploded on me for no reason

so yeah

what’s the purpose of this post

i don’t think that’s no reason, bucko

there’s more to it than that

what does this mean

Eli are you actually going to argue with me over this

like actually

what would be the point of that

why do people in this game love their piss measuring contests

why can’t you just not say anything

this goes for me too

you’re right