monke brain wanting to be “rewarded” despite the fact there is no reward to be had
that’s basically what this comes down to tbh
caught for the wrong reasons
What is this???
I’m listing who I’d kill and you say “Well it doesn’t mean anything”
i like measuring my piss because it makes me feel accomplished in life
saying that nuclear posts is basically saying nothing
no it’s more monke brain “if I walk away people will know they can walk all over me”
i think your post is hedgier than nuclear’s tbh
Red Panda is much more likely to be mafia. GG has attempted to build their own world, it’s completely bat shit and made out of illogical lies, but its an attempt to game solve
All Panda has done is latch onto GG’s bad world and push that agenda because it’s good for the mafia team to get me and Night killed.
So I’d not both
either way it’s dumb monke brain
didnt you say this before iirc
wait here i got a meme for this
oh christ
ok i understand this now
sorry i guess you were still backreading and i got impatient
Panda, you are literally saying nothing of value, the words hold nothing
and you are trying to tell me I’m not doing anything
mind blown
All Panda has done is latch onto GG’s bad world and push that agenda because it’s good for the mafia team to get me and Night killed.
my problem with this is that my world says panda is mafia with you
it’s too big
1 sec
my problem with this is that my world says you’re all mafia