Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

it pretty much did exist
you and nightingale were both in the poe on day 2 regardless of what marshal flipped

what does this mean

When I joined this game, I didnā€™t go ā€œwell look at that POE with me and night, time to fake a read on emā€

lmao how about you take 5 minutes and look up what happened

I canā€™t do this

basically Arctic said that nuclear is defending night because sheā€™s in a bad position and nuclearā€™s saying he isnā€™t? Because apparently she wasnā€™t in the PoE when he subbed in? Even though he didnā€™t even post yesterday?

like night was massively pushed on by EoD2

and massively today

trying to argue otherwise is just no

no, what could have happened if youā€™re a wolf is you replaced into a slot in a really bad position, with teammates all also in really bad positions, so you canā€™t just do nothing
you have to force yourself out of the poe

So youā€™re assuming, that not only am I wolf. but that night is also a wolf but not just that, you also assume I know both slots are in a POE I havenā€™t seen, but not only that you also assume that Iā€™d defend my partner.

what is this argument

yes of course Iā€™d assume youā€™d bother to read thread

that is exactly what i am doing
you yourself said you read eod2, you knew how badly you, night and whysper looked so if you were a wolf with them you would have to try and get them out of the poe

iā€™m not saying this makes you a wolf, iā€™m just saying what youā€™re doing isnā€™t convincing me youā€™re a villager because it makes sense to do as a wolf


Thatā€™s not what Artic said

Artic said this ā€œNuclear, Night, and Whysper are all mafia who need to defend each other because they are all in POEā€

Not only did I never defend Whysper, but I had a town read on Night before a POE list of us 3 existed



nvm i think i did catch up on your iso now

hereā€™s the night post
take on play looks ok
take on wagonomics looks ok but i need to read the EoD progression for myself

the catch with the wagonomics is that if thereā€™s a wolf who plays the way I do, there could totally be a tied vote sitting on a wolf.

In one game the top wagons were between my wolf partner and a townie, and i chose to distance from my partner by egging on momentum on my partnerā€™s wagon. i voted early and encouraged people to vote my partner, then let the vote rand at EoD (both my wolf partners were afk) and it randed the townie out and i got fakecleared because i continued pushing my partner the next day until she got yeeted.

but thatā€™s specifically how i play and idk if anyone else would do that here.

Stop telling me what a person said, when you canā€™t say one thing correctly holy shit

the problem in your argument is that youā€™re acting like you werenā€™t PoEā€™d by the time you replaced in, which is wrong

you were
you, nightingale and whysper were the 3 most distrusted slots in the game
you were poe

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didnā€™t you know
town canā€™t read

if you read thread or even just skimmed it youā€™d know that night was in the PoE from the start of the day and EoD2 yesterday

holy shit

I told GG and the rest of the game

ā€œI will read some of EOD2, but will not backread any moreā€

So no, I didnā€™t read day2 or day1

Stop assuming I should know things from a time I WASNT IN THE GAME

was this thing game

even i skimmed enough before replacing in to know that lolā€¦ but not everyone has the time to do so i guess
idk, i feel like this argument is literally going in circles and i donā€™t honestly follow enough of it to give an opinion

ah sorry my mistake

I didnā€™t realize that included start of day 3

sorry for the confusion

yeah thatā€™s when CRich and Appel were being wagoned and I continued to push Appel when cloned jumped on CRich