Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

this has a very dark “i have spent the last 20 years studying the blade” energy

okay uh
i think we need to


just think its funny to call people names like sharon and linda

those are just funny names

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yeah i agree arctic

my math teacher is called sharon and my aunt is called linda

if im gonna be honest ive watched too much gay shit so thats probably why i think that

being a homiesexual has made me like 2 times less funny

@host modkill this slot

I’ve had enough

every time I keep telling you I play, and nothing changes

its the 5th time being called karen

this is

me walking into thread like

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btw i recommend watching unhhhh

funniest show ive seen in my life

not really but its pretty funny

Mocking the emotional state of a women and using Karen multiple times over the name that was given to you to call me

What a trash person

i don’t think he meant it personally, he just finds those names funny and it wasn’t targeted at you because of your gender or anything

but it’s clear you don’t like it so i’m sure he’ll stop

yeah i just think theyre funny names

will stop, sorry about that

me and the girls walking into thread to kill threadstate with just our presence alone

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it is slowly hitting me that ive been uh

very obnoxious

over a dumb forum game


apologies to all the slots ive acted like poop to


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was very unbuddhist of me to act like a dick because i was mad

apologies to all the slots i’ve acted like poop to
