Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

Actually I looked back and see that I mixed up Eli and Arctic.

Arctic said this apology and I got them confused and thought Eli had said it.

Yeah, I had hoped to get back around my time midnight, but I was too tired to stay awake.

So why are people voting me over Night? From what I’ve seen, she was already highly suspicious D2. And a big part of why I’m being held suspicious is that I’m considered W/W with Night because it looks like I was trying to save a partner.

I mean, I know I’ll probably be next when Night flips W, but at least my ML tomorrow after taking out a wolf won’t put us as much in trouble. But now I’m worried about you guys MLing me today instead. From what I understand, a ML today puts us in LYLO.

And on the chance that Night is V, then that’s game over for us. Because if I’m ML’d first, you’ll still have all those other reasons to suspect her and will probably ML her next.

/vote Nightingale @thepigeonnyc @Arete

good to know

the bad game-state where people saying they’re town all the time might actually just be a townie trying to save town from getting to lylo

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don’t stay up till midnight just for mafia

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Haha, actually I usually stay up till midnight and after for other reasons. :slight_smile: Just that I was waking up in the middle of the night for another mafia recently and then other IRL stuff recently has my sleep all mixed up.

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Vote Count

Voted Voter Votes
Nightingale clonedcheese, Emilia, Whysper 3/6
Whysper Nightingale, WindwardAway, GGhana 3/6
Nuclear_Rehab Red_Pandas 1/6
Not Voting PokemonKidRyan, EliThePsycho, Nuclear_Rehab, Arctic 4

Ping me for errors

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ok just from looking at the Lynch posts wouldnt these people fake-claiming to be leaf pool be extremely scummy

trying to expand the PoE by trying to flavour solve after multiple villagers were killed/hard pushed yesterday for it is totally a real thought a villager has

mmmmm yes

anyways I’m gonna go to bed

actually I’m back

I can’t explain with words how much I hate this

since when has kill flavour ever been alignment indictive in a normal game

literally never

I refuse to believe a villager actually thinks this

Who did red pandas replace in for

Sadly hating a post does not necessarily mean it’s scummy.
Red_Pandas does appear to be new here.
(Yes, it could be an alt, but, idk about that. Won’t really angleshoot too much because :man_shrugging: )

Perhaps they just don’t know the ways of FM.
Sam on the other hand (Whys slot) was more… likely to be lying I think


I know you have. That’s why I said you’re never packwolves together with Pandas, but I guess that also applies to Whysper. What I concluded was that you’re either LW or town but you’re in the PoE either way. Doesn’t mean you’re definitely scum but those were my thoughts. It’s kind of like you read half my posts about it and not the reasoning.

Also,you can’t push me for an ML. That’s what all wolves who have never wolfed against me before try to do, and quite frankly, it doesn’t work. The only time I ever got MLd was because I was an idiot and accidentally hammered myself in an effort to convince town to stop pushing me because I literally asked if people wanted me to vote myself to resolve my slot, and it worked, but the host hadn’t updated the majority count and my self-vote was majority. But otherwise I plan on being here till I either endgame or I die. Don’t even bother trying to get me voted out.

Bruh I didn’t even finish reading your posts, I really don’t have time for this before EoD and I’m not that interested in voting you out today. I’d like to look at your slot during the night phase instead when I have more time, assuming I’m not dead by SoD.

It’s ok, it happens :sweat_smile: whether we like it or not, or whether we can control it or not. I’ve said dumb shit in game threads, too.

Ohhhhh ok, now I understand

Peak gaming

Well Marshal looked the worst and Marshal flipped v so uh
Marshal was first to CC Leafia and imo a wolf wouldn’t be dumb enough to draw attention by cc’ing as third or fourth jailkeeper?

Btw I’d like the people in the PoE to answer this question (I know some of you already have, but I’m tagging you anyway to get it all in one place):

If you rebuild the PoE, who would you put in it? Name at least 3 players and we’ll go from there.


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I do actually want your thoughts and opinions, because if by any chance the current PoE is wrong we need to actually cooperate to rebuild it, and not just bitch at each other about who’s wrong or right.

Not sure if I’ll be back during lunch… If not, I guess I’ll be back in about 12 hours from now :sweat_smile: think I said everything I needed to, and I still have no idea when EoD is, but yeah. For those of you not in the PoE, listen to what the people in the PoE have to say and see if you can determine anything from it. We need a fallback in case we ML today.