Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

Eli is just a huge blind spot for me since all I’ve heard about him is what others have said
And while I think Marshal’s reads have merit I think there’s a chance she could be wrong,at least I want to evaluate for myself before sheeping the Eli read

Anyway gotta go to dinner now so I don’t have much else to say
I’ve said my stuff and my vote is still on Whysper

I also agree

hopefully he plays the game tomorrow and see if we can lock it in

if that’s successful then it’d be figuring out who’s the wolf in eli/pkr

two more people who aren’t playing the game

Tbh it’s a lot easier to read PKR when he posts more lol

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Speak of the devil lol

even though i fell for pkr’s ate his response to being read as packwolf instead of lw was super super bad

as a pack wolf he would be fine with being read as lw, because once lw flipped he would be cleared

the fact that he snapped when people started saying he was pack wolf doesn’t make much sense for a villager to do? why would a villager not care that they are being read as lw but care about being read as pack wolf

This i agree with lol
I do want to correctly solve his slot but he gave mixed signals so… … kek

Your timing is impeccable Wind.
Also Arctic I already explained it.

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you said something like lw is not a priority but you’d still be killed if lw hadn’t flipped and there’s only 1-2 wolves left

so i still don’t get why a villager would have that mentality

Because it’s less bad and gives me more time to be able to have people actually realise the truth
(On average at least)

does it?
i feel like being read as lw is pretty much a death sentence because there’s not much you can do to get out of it since they’re uninformed

The more time, the more people can read and analyse me, the more accurate it will be.

The less time (due to pressure of being pack wolf read which is more of a focus compared to the afterthought of LW) the less people can get it.

LW is hard to get out of.
Pack wolf is a focus on average more than last wolf.

I’d rather have a hard situation with time (to be able to prove myself)
Than an easier one with no time.

where did everyone go
@thepigeonnyc vote count??

yeah but once it comes down to 2 wolves it’s fair game to go for either the last pack wolf or lw

and at that point lw would have probably been added to scumchat anyway so

Yeah but that gives me more time.
Do you not get what my point is? Lol

having more time isn’t useful if you don’t do anything in that extra time

it is eod right??? where the fuck is everyone lmao

i hope that doesnt mean anything