Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

i should also probably unvote whysper because wolves may want to end the day early
…although it would make their alignment obvious


/unvote dammit by doing that you ruined my plan

what was your plan
see who the wolves are by seeing who tries to quickhammer?


that wouldn’t have worked since whysper went to sleep anyway i’m pretty sure

I realized that and also I couldn’t be in thread constantly for 48 hours but I wanted to wait a bit for drama

that’s still risky regardless because they could just have done it all the same time and your discourse might have stopped working

and also this lmao

my plans are flawless

is there any way that redpandas isn’t a wolf

like the slot was pretty much lolcatting yesterday

my only strength as a Town player is the ability to confuse the wolves

knowing this game yes

practically no

you’re right, i probably said the same thing about leafia
and marshal
…and maybe night

did wind die for:

  1. having good reads
  2. being obvious town
  3. being read as parity cop



fuckit villagers:






4: all of the above

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For being one of few ppl who played the game

yeah but that applies to me and gghana too

so there must be another reason

Also there is at least 1 wolf in top posters. No way did we lynch 3 villas if wolves did nothing.

this does feel like the reason why this game is so hard

me, wind, marshal, night (rip in piss forever miss) and Arctic feel like the only people who’s reads have actually evolved this game

They were way more engaged and reached top 5 posters despite being late replacement.