Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

that’s because that’s the night I checked you

you pillock

I checked you because I didn’t like how you acted during the day

how is this not simple

what is this even trying to say


I’m pointing out your faulty grammar gdi

bye im actually going to try now, lets not speak of this

I am the parity cop

I said to myself “oh wow I really didn’t like cloned’s day yesterday because of X, Y, and Z reasons” so I checked you

how is this complicated to grasp

you’re just trying to grasp on straws because you’re boxed in

you’re trying to say I’m tming Night v after she flipped but also imply it’s just a grammar thing?

you can’t have it both ways

can you check nuclear tonight because i really think this game is solved by figuring out which one of nuclear and pkr is a wolf

that was basically my plan

ok good


let me go read

ive litterally just said the grammar thing made me go into paranoia mode

you’re literally going into paranoia mode because I explained why I did a night action?

ok I believe you



anyways this isn’t helpful for thread

let’s just do something else

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your sentence implied before night flipped not after

it didn’t but ok

oh day started

so arctic basically got whisper as wolf right

of course I have parroted reads when all ive seen is like second half of d3 though

is GGhana CCing arctic?

it’s not that difficult to backread
holy shit

no, he is just trolling.