Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

uh oh
i don’t know what to make of this

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i would village read that for being in a similar vein to my thoughts about PKR’s complaints about being read as pack wolf, but the fact he mentions godfather specifically is :eyes:

oh wait
PKR didn’t even respond to that? despite him throwing a hissy fit at everyone else scumreading him for the same thing?

yeah this looks more partnered than not, actually

in retrospect this is now a terrible post considering i have information that whysper is a wolf

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Maybe because I already had explained it so many times by that point.
Also I love how you’re still saying some things I’ve explained so many fucking times already.
Totally not getting annoying rn and making me want to throttle multiple people here

i understand your explanation, but your perspective makes infinitely more sense to come from a packwolf who has been correctly read as not LW then a villager who cares about being read as pack wolf but not LW

i’ve seen your explanation but it does not convince me

There’s no explaining to some people so why do I try?

What kind of wolf does that if he’s not confident it’s impossible to mechanically catch him

not sure why your suspicious over this :confused:

read d2 of my vca
basically why would a wolf tie a vote in that situation
the only explanation i have right now is “trying to protect LW”

you never even tried

Yes, sure, I didn’t.
It’s not as if I’ve fucking explained it many times and my explanation “just doesn’t make sense from town”

Like, buddy, sure if yall can’t see it, that’s nice and all.
But very fucking clearly I can

that is the explanation
it’s why wolves didn’t want to vote nightingale out over marshal

this is a terrible misrepresentation of windward’s goal with asking this question, and it looks like cloned is mad about windward trying to look outside of a poe that would win wolves the game

Well GG peeked Clone, kind of surprised he is still trying

Except Arctic’s the Parity Cop, not GGhana lol.

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is Arctic tho?


Fairly sure Arctic is.
I trust GGhana’s claim about as far as I can throw them.
Which ain’t much because I do (or did) rugby, not weight lifting and tossing shot puts.

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So how do you feel about cloned

Idk, they were PoE for me.
Not particularly townie.
But, Cloned’s not red checked.

That’s what I believe.

Thanks for the great read