Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

You’re welcome.
And you can take my read and stick it where the sun don’t shine :smiley:
IDC if my reads are good or not.

At least I’m trying to provide them.
And I’m trying to explain myself too but others don’t seem to be able to catch my drift.

At least some people are trying to do so.


So we really only have 1 red check?

Still need to hit 3 in a row

kind of sad because I already wanted to kill Whysper so the check doesnt help me

I mean, Arctic can easily check Cloned/Me/Someone in PoE tonight.
I’d rather be confirmed sooner lol.
Especially when it seems Arctic is unsure on me

Wait why are you acting like the cop is living through the night?


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not necessarily

Had to watch my favorite baseball player fuck up his knee

depression :frowning:

It’s called a severe case of wishful thinking.

i had to do it because if that slot was town we just straight up lost

lmao, I checked and they have a fucking roleblocker too lmao

we can dream that our cop gets another check I guess

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shut up godfather

The only real chance of this happening is if we yeet a wolf and it’s not the roleblocker.
And they for some reason decide someone else is cop so RB them and kill a person who’s actively pushing good things.

What a big brain by PKR, let the cop check him for that free gf win


I literally didn’t say just to check me smh.
But, I guess you really just won’t listen to anything outside of your current worldview so why am I actually trying?

It’s a fucking disaster when I’m having to rely on GGhana to do good things

If Whysper isn’t the RBer they can kill one cop, and just RB the other



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don’t rely on them then
they’re unreliable anyways

yeah that was my thought tbh
i think whysper is goon

Rely on who then?

The inaccurate world builder? (Arctic)
The person who’s just taking the piss and not doing much special? (And has been / is a member of PoE) (Nuclear)
Another person who’s in PoE? (You)
A claimed red-check? (Whys)
A person who’s really just not helped themselves? (Cloned)

It’s a disaster when I trust Arctic’s red check and yet actually hate almost all of their posts with their lack of actually trying to work through this with me and getting my perspective to actually try to be fucking accurate on me. Gotta love how games on this forum go.

Every game, the same.

GGhana is who is have to rely on if anyone.
And that truly saddens me.

I just want to give up, it’s so much easier, so much more pleasant.
But then I know that’s the wrong thing to do and I’m going to be had a go at post game.

Because Arctic is telling the truth on Whys then we are going to be to a 2 (and 1 LW) v 4 tomorrow

And we’re going to be in basically a vanilla game with our PRs either having been offed D1 and N1 (and tonight)

Which means it’s going to be important that I do things and convince people. But I’m at a loss for how to do so