Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

this post is a good look for both eli (because it was meant for him) and emilia (because he got eli confused with emilia)

@EliThePsycho what did marl talk about in the hood with you?


if you’re a wolf and proceeded to openwolf and kill him while he was unable to do anything then that’s fucking hilarious

as i said
the hood was never created, we never talked about anything
i got a message at SoD that marl created a neighborhood with you but he’s dead so lol
i just got notified for some reason

okay then

also i am not invested in this game at all so i have no idea what’s happening

yeah i know

what i predict will happen is after me and gghana have died you’ll forget everything we’ve been saying and then misvote in f5 or something


imagine that

just sheep my reads and listen to gghana

i have a redcheck on whysper and a greencheck on emilia (could still be gf but doubt)

i believe the team is whysper/pkr/cloned/redpandas and fmpov you’re the only villager i could be misclearing so if you’re town then i am confident this is the solve

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brb checking VC


anyway do we just vote whysper now?
Dont think there is anything else to be done today.

yes there is
i need to make a legacy i might also want to look at redpanda’s iso

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I did not sleep well

i like how whysper said i was doing an RT but has then proceeded to do nothing for the rest of the day

this is definitely something a villager says

anyway, redpandas iso is just as bad as i expected it to be

it reminds me of myself in my first (and only) wolfgame where i just talked about how to play the game instead of actually playing it

if this guy is a villager then i don’t know how i was supposed to see it lol

@Red_Pandas i do have a question for you though
going from the logic in this post, wouldn’t you say that nuclear is actually less likely to be a wolf because pretty much everyone besides me was pushing on them today?

oh dear

my world only has
1 wolf from this

meh, it doesn’t bother me much since marshal was already wrong about a lot of things

that list looks pretty awful

but early game reads be like that