Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

uh I dont think so but maybe

why not

actually possibly

the only thing giving me pause in minā€™s ISO is this post which seems pretty weird to come from a wolf who knows both of the people in question are town
itā€™s not particularly potent, but still
it looks like they really believe it

for the record
if redpandas is pack wolf then you need to re-eval before killing PKR unless last wolf is lost wolf, because this does not look like how min treats a partner
but if red is lw or lw hasnā€™t flipped then pkr can still die

minā€™s progression on ā€œnever allowing marshal to liveā€ to voting night on the condition that marshal puts them in her towncore is incredibly weird for a villager to do since theyā€™d care more about whoā€™s flipped rather than how townread they are

honestly, minā€™s ISO isnā€™t condemning
but redpandas is

if the slot is town then weā€™ve lost because not enough people are playing the game so shrug
iā€™ve spent too much time doing this shit for someone whoā€™s not even gonna be around after this

this was minā€™s last post

Minā€™s ISO isnā€™t wolfy but redpandas is
so i donā€™t know what to do

that doesnā€™t change the fact that i think 4 others have been more villagery than both of them though, so

I donā€™t like how gghana has just disappeared

itā€™s actively worrying me now since he said he wanted to talk with me about stuff and he knows that either me or him is dying tonight

So, Iā€™m fairly sure we have 2 wolves to kill b2b. If GG or you arenā€™t alive then, I will probably start some paranoia. I donā€™t have any sense to right now

I think you are getting more paranoid just because days are so long, it happens, but letā€™s at least see some shit happen before we throw everything away

Arctic, how can we agree on like almost everything and yet you refuse to think of me as lacking TMI and being town?

I havenā€™t done enough for the game to defend myself in a way thatā€™s truthful while also being enough to get me townread, so :man_shrugging:

Anyway, I guess this is it for today. 90% of this day has just been me talking to myself, going back and forth and talking myself in and out of various things. Iā€™m by no means confident in my solve, but I am confident that Iā€™ve placed myself in a much better position to solve this game than pretty much any of the remaining players. Regardless of what happens, we learnt a lot of things this game, chiefly to not allow your confidence in your scumreads to cloud your better judgement when it comes to handling PR claims. We should not have killed Leafia while she was uncounterclaimed, and counterclaiming her regardless of how wolfy you may think sheā€™s acting is just straight up not the play. Thereā€™s always a chance that someone can be a villager without any sort of mechanical information on their alignment, and so regardless of how theyā€™re acting killing them is not the way to go. Iā€™ll save the rest of this stuff for post-game, now for the actual solve.

The Villabros (ordered from highest confidence to lowest)

GGhana - We do not have the luxury of tinfoiling this slot as a wolf and if they are then weā€™ve straight up lost, and I think we should come to terms with this. I could go on and on about why theyā€™re a villager, the example from today being the way they did PR cover clearly having no reasoning to come from a wolf (itā€™s pretty obvious what his motivations were). Heā€™s been acting just like how he was in FAM and itā€™s incredibly clear to see the thoughts turning in his head when he comes to a new revelation. The way he claimed jailkeeper after Marshal and Leafia did just to solidify Leafiaā€™s death is such an absurd play to make as mafia when he could have relied on Marshal to do it for him. His posting is incredibly fluid and his confidence reads as though heā€™s a villager dead set on catching the wolves. GG(hana) if this guy is mafia.

Eli - Iā€™m of the opinion that Eli is massively out of his wolfrange for his discourse with GGhana. Not only does it require him to put in genuine thought and independent reads, but a conviction in his belief to continue arguing which I feel just makes him a villager. His post trying to stop GGhana getting any credit for Leafia flipping wolf is an absurd post to make as a wolf who knows that both are town, and I really doubt Eli could come up with something like this as a wolf. Every time I doubt myself, I go back and read his ISO and I see why Eli is a villager. If Marshal was right about anything, please let it be this.

Emilia - GREENCHECKED - Emilia has been showing independent thought and has provided a number of reads, something she is known for not doing as a wolf. Sheā€™s incredibly comfortable within this game which is not something seen in her wolfgames (at least from the one I read). Itā€™s clear from reading their ISO that they have not been pushing agenda, and theyā€™ve been trying to solve the game in good faith. Her defence of herself is super villagery since it doesnā€™t even have a hint of LAMIST and is instead founded on why her perspective is unlikely to come from a wolf, which makes it incredibly easy to understand her thought processes. Do not entertain the possibility of this being a wolf until f3 with no godfather flip, and even then Iā€™d still kill pretty much anyone over this except probably GGhana.

Nuclear - This is my least confident clear, but there is a wealth of evidence which suggests they are just simply a villager. Do not consider this unless lost wolf is the last wolf remaining and nuclear is alive. Their ISO is incredibly villagery, and Iā€™ve come to the realization that theyā€™ve just been right, so their frustration yesterday is well-founded. The defence of Nightingale, while possibly in the realm of being TMI, read as super genuine and Nuclear was the only person in the PoE (which we now know was pretty much incorrect) actually trying to change it, which by default gives them townpoints. Most of these things become less relevant when you think about lost wolf, which is why I can see that being a possibility (especially with defending Night, perhaps thinking she was a wolf --although like I said Iā€™m pretty sure LW would have parity checked marshal N1 and night N2 so this still doesnā€™t make sense). My biggest worry is that theyā€™ve become complacent after being townread, which honestly means I canā€™t blame you if you end up killing them in F3 or something if they keep it up. I canā€™t justify keeping people alive who arenā€™t playing the game, and if we lose this is probably the reason why. Oh, also this guy is pretty much spewed not packwolf with how theyā€™ve been treated today. PKR/Cloned/Red contains at least two wolves, and all three of them have included Nuclear in their possible teams. So thereā€™s that.

The bad guys (in no particular order)

Whysper - lmao get button clicked

clonedcheese - Iā€™ve came to the realization that very much like Red, clonedcheese is not playing the game. Or rather, theyā€™re not solving the game. Since day 2 theyā€™ve been coasting, trying to get Marshal executed primarily for policy reasons (which excuses him from actually having to make a read on Marshalā€™s alignment, a tactic wolf!cloned is likely to employ) which is starkly different from the reasons Nightingale and I were pushing her for. There is nothing definitive here, they have just not been villagery than people in the previous section and they have nothing going for them. I found their criticism of Windward for trying to expand the PoE pretty damning since Iā€™m now certain it was incorrect, and when you take this in combination with NKA which suggests windward was killed due to her desire to re-read PKR and cloned, itā€™s pretty condemning. Oh also, I found their post today saying ā€œif weā€™re sure whysper is scum just kill them and do stuff tomorrowā€ positively atrocious and I do not think this is how a villager approaches LyLo at all.

Red_Pandas - Iā€™m conflicted on this slot because Minā€™s ISO is nowhere near damning, but holy moly Redā€™s ISO is not something to be taken lightly. They have been talking about how to play the game rather than playing it, which is exactly the approach a newbie wolf takes (like I did in Countries FM) since they are able to appear productive without having to actually take any stances. This being lost wolf would explain why I thought minā€™s ISO was not too bad, and also why theyā€™re not taking many stances. Nonetheless, nothing min or red has done is even close to making them more villagery than my top 4 slots, so thereā€™s nothing that I can do for this slot.

PKR - PKR has not been able to make himself more villagery than the other 4 slots, which seems to be a recurring theme. While Iā€™m not confident in saying these slots are wolves, I am confident about saying the other 4 are villagers, which naturally means that these slots have to be the wolves (which makes me feel slightly better, I guess). His read on SamCrow was never pushed to have any real significance and looks like a distancing attempt (he complained about the PoE but never provided a push of his own or even voted). His read on Nightingale stinks of TMI since it was not explained beyond ā€œvibes and meldingā€ and the strength of this reasoning does not correlate with how strongly PKR was believing them to be a villager. I could say the same thing for his Leafia read, but itā€™s messed up by ATE and I really canā€™t get an objective view of that anymore. The Windward kill is incriminating for PKR for the same reasons as it is for cloned - Wind was likely going to change her PoE overnight and wolves perceived there being a serious danger of her changing her village reads on cloned and PKR, and her being nightkilled suggests they didnā€™t want that to happen. The way PKR was fine being read as a lost wolf but not as a pack wolf is unlikely to come from a villager perspective, and his response of anger is much more likely to come from a packwolf whoā€™s had their chance of being miscleared after a LW flip taken away from right underneath them than a villager who would care equally about being read as lost wolf or pack wolf.

iā€™m not making a tl;dr because you guys need to read everything! thatā€™s the least you could do if you arenā€™t playing the game
but my advice is to decide on which of cloned or red_pandas to kill tomorrow (honestly i think cloned is actually even more likely to be a wolf than red) and then continue with my poe unless something major comes up

i just want you guys to use your brains
listen to what iā€™m saying and use it to help you to decide for yourselves
do not mindlessly sheep me, but do not ignore what iā€™m telling you
although if you have absolutely no idea whatā€™s going on then i wonā€™t blame you for doing the former

i probably rushed this because itā€™s late and iā€™m tired but i donā€™t have much energy for this game any more
i tried

if youā€™re a villager then we are losing the game

does this prompt you to start doing something

i should have just not been a pussy and gone for a better check than whysper

i just wanted something that guaranteed us not losing today but whysper was obviously a wolf anyway i could have actually solved the game if i did a better check

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Thereā€™s not a ton of good checks really. You can check me or Clone I guess, this gives you a bit more confidence in making a POE, but checking Panda/Whysper is almost always red checking, and PKR is likely a gf so I can never trust a check on them.

In your spot either choice makes sense.

In terms of best wincon, it probably was a CloneCheese check

dude iā€™m obviously dead now
i was talking about last night, i should have checked someone else

Yeah I meant last night! Sorry, I worded it wrong

Currently Iā€™m fairly sure this game is headed to a f3 of some sort. Thatā€™s not a guaranteed win but a decent chance since I think they will leave me in it.

The more situations I run through, I kind of realize the only way town is losing is to an Emilia (gf) in f3 or Elithepyshco making it to f3 as mafia, and I fail to find them over the other person.

Thereā€™s not much solving or info i can get if Emilia is gf, Iā€™d be kind of fucked if Iā€™m in a f3 with emillia and the gf is no flipped, so nightmarish

i really donā€™t think emilia is mafia here and i also think eli is the nightkill after gghana so i donā€™t think you need to worry about that

iā€™d always vote pkr over eli or emilia